
What to do with this work problem??? it makes me so mad....

by  |  earlier

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gosh... i don't know where to start... well my boyfriend and i work at this japanese restaurant and like 3 months ago we had new owners... they made lots of changes and they are more demanding.....

they wants to clean every single thing in the restaurant which is hard becuase we have very limited employees.... n we have very little time do our work ... i work with 2 people( my boyfriend and another guy omar hes 22, im 18 n my bf is 22)

its not always the 3 of us some times its just 2

we come in at 630 n we supposed to finish at 9 30

idk.... its jsut sooo much to telll but our owners dont want to hire more employees .... we have 5 in total including myself... we used to have 8

right now we need at least 1 or 2

ayyyy i could ram ble on and on and on.... i probably filll this whole d**n thing....

what can we do?? without making too much drama or anyting like that??




  1. You're upset because you're supposed to CLEAN everything in the restaurant??  Why isn't everything KEPT clean? ... That is really grossing me out......

  2. just be honest with them...or find a better place to work. i work in that industry too and its hard dealing with people that expect more but don't want to hire the help needed to get the job done, its better not to work for those kind of people in my opinion

  3. What do you mean you're "SUPPOSED" to at 9:30???? You sound like a typical naive 18 yr old just joining to the workforce.

    I hate to break it to you but you can stop working once your work is COMPLETE. As long as they are paying you for the time you are working you should either get used to it or find another job.

    You're in for a big surprise if this makes you mad about work....

  4. very politely, tell the new managers that a new employee or two would be welcome. list all the things you have to do, and tell him that for 3 people it is quite difficult to do a quality job on everything since you are so rushed. if he says no, nod your head nd be like, "ok, but keep this in mind if the quality of our works begins to drop."

    good luck!

  5. Okay this won't help you much . . . but it's just common sense.

    They're the boss. It's their restaurant. They can do anything they want. So really, you have no control over how they run business.

    You can look at this as a learning experience - working harder for less money, and dealing with difficult employers - or you can take the easy way and just say they're jerks and quit, or do a lousy job (in their eyes) and get fired.

    But it's really very likely you'll find someone thats worse in the next job.

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