
What to drink that helps lost weight?

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im tryin to shed a few pounds and i would like to know, what is a good beverage to have to drink other than water. im talkin about a snack type of drink not a drink for excersice.




  1. other then water?

    More water :]

  2. Its called oolong or woolong tea. It has been known to cause a dramatic increase in the metabolic weight. Another i would recommend is a drink you can buy by the pack at costco called slendirze and the taste pretty good. It helps increase energy and curb appitite. One thing i would also recommend is to AVOID SUGAR!!!!!!! Sugar that isnt burned is stored in the body as fat and the more sugar you consume the more you will have cravings for. I remember reading on yahoo that even diet soda is bad because all the fake sugar causes your body to crave real sugar. That means at most one glass of soda a day, and sweets try to avoid if you can. If you can do that with some exercise you will drop some serious pounds. I was also told by a body builder taht bread is no good because it spikes your insulin and leaves you with a crash, meaning you get not energy from it. He told me to avoid white bread and if i have to eat it get rhy or wheat. Those few tips will do you wonders if you follow it.

  3. When I need something that tastes different than water (Which I drink like crazy), I guzzle Vitamin water... it's not massive amounts of calories, and tasty.

    Stay away from anything with fake sugar in it; recent research has shown it probably has a negative effect on your ability to lose weight, because it tricks the body into expecting sugar, and when it doesn't get it it responds badly and plays with your natural metabolic reactions.  

  4. probiotic drinks and grapefruit juice

  5. Fresh fruits and vegetable juices are good. Especially fresh pineapple juice. It helps remove excess water content that is stuck in your body and making your body bloat up from consuming too much salt.  

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