
What to eat when you're too picky?

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I've recently changed my eating habits because I want to have a healthier life style however I'm running out of things I like to eat that are also healthy for me. Any advice on how to get over my picky ways? Anyone have the same problem?




  1. Well what foods are you picky on? You can make burritos with beans and sauteed vegetables and quinoa. BBQ seiten with vegan mac and cheese and mashed potatoes. Vegan pizza with vegetables. Lentil soup with spinach and broccoli. Pasta with vegetables and sauce.

  2. Just keep trying foods over and over again.  My dad used to hate beans, but since changing to a vegan diet (for health reasons) he's grown to really love them.  You need to change your expectations of food - it's not going to taste the same as when you were eating meat and/or dairy....but that's okay.   It still tastes good.

    Focus on flavors that you do enjoy and incorporate them into what you are eating.  If you like Tex/Mex, use those spices when introducing a new food product into your diet.....good luck!

  3. Don't think of it as being picky.  You like what you like.  You just have to try new things to find MORE things that you like!  If you go to a store like Whole Foods market or something like that, you will be amazed at all the new and exciting things you will find to eat!  Try some of the meat alternatives, like Yves deli slices that are just like the real thing (bologna, ham, turkey, etc...) without all the fat, calories and bad stuff that real meat has.  Try Boca burgers or Morningstar items which are now in most grocery store's frozen foods sections.  You can get through this, and it's always better to have a healthier'll live longer!  I hope I helped you. :o)

  4. Yes I have some advice.

    Your putting yourself in an obsessive mind over matter situation which will negatively impact your whole well being. You set out to get healthier but your in actuality going to make yourself malnutritioned and ill.

    Start eating and stop looking at every single ingredient in everything you eat. This becomes an obsessive disorder.

    You were probably better off the way you were before.

    I have some obsessive habits( I think almost everyone does).

    But your fooling with your health here.

    good luck.

  5. I am vegan and some of my favorites are...

    Pei Wei spicy (with vegetables)

    baked potatoes with hot sauce or salsa

    baked blue chips and salsa

    fat free bean burritos (with brown rice tortillas)

    organic PB and J on ezekiel 4:9 bread from food for life (check out a local health food store for their products, they have many and they are sprouted whole grains like the bible tells us they should be!!!! sometimes safeway carries their breads, whole foods and sprouts carries their stuff also)

    grilled veggies (zuccini, squash, peppers, onions... yummy)

    brown rice pasta with meatless marinara sauce

    email me if you'd like some more ideas!  

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