
What to eat with braces on.

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i just got my braces put on today. i know i cant eat sticky, hard, crunchy, or sugary foods. but what can i eat. can i have examples of like meals. like hamburgers, pizza(without crust), etc.




  1. You can eat the same food as you can without...some are just a lot harder to clean out of the hardware. I think the few things I did different is slice apples up with a knife and cut corn off of the cob to eat. Heck, I had a couple of friends who had braces as well and we used to always go get pizza with double cheese. Of course, you'd spend the rest of the night trying to suck all of the cheese out of your braces!

  2. Hi, I just got my braces put on a month ago. Yes you can have pizza and hamburgers and hot dogs an d this and that But u can still have pop (thank god) And like lettuce some types of candy. ummm chicken cake, cookies  

  3. cuppa soup, i lived on that for the 1st 2 weeks of getting my brace on lol. it will start to hurt pretty soon tbh. eat what yo can till it hurts lol. don't eat chewy, it really does get stuck to braces lmao :]


  4. For the first week I mainly ate soups and then moved on to ravioli and pasta (the first days are usually the most painful)

    You can eat pizza, burgers, pasta, sandwiches, really you just have to stay away from really hard and/or really sticky things, like taffy and hard candy.  they can get stuck between the metal wire and the braces and getting them out will be a pain.

    I didnt follow too many of the rules, you usually develop a good sense of what you can and cant eat after a few weeks.

  5. I have braces too!You can eat pizza,but crust you may want to be careful about!You can also eat hamburgers!Just don't eat like SUPER hard candy!I still eat soft candy though!

  6. I found it very hard to bit into anything. I could tear a hamburger into little piece and eat it, but even now two months later I can't stand that kind of pressure on my teeth, not painful, just too uncomfortable to bite into chewy food.

    I stuck to cream soups, protein drinks and scrambled eggs. Some things are easy to chew (like rice), but after a few bites the particles get stuck in the braces and it just feels too uncomfortable to go on eating.  

  7. You can eat regular foods.... but not ice , bubble gum , and popcorn. I had braces

  8. You can eat anything!  Just none of the no-no's your dentist mentioned as they will damage bracaes or cause MAJOR tooth decay (being that it is very hard to brush and floss like you used to)...but as for meals and regular whatever you would like!  Take a tylenol if your mouth is a few days you will be so over that!  

  9. i didn't really follow that. i mean, you should, and i know all the dental folk are gonna thumbs down me... but just stay away from hard core chewy and sticky stuff.  that's about it.  and popcorn. anything that would really mess it up.  i chewed gum, ate corn on the cob, never had a problem.  just test the waters slowly.

  10. You can eat most of the good things that you can eat now. The only issue is that your mouth will be sore after you first get braces, so for the first week or so you may only want to eat softer foods. However, after that you should be able to eat normally. I would say stay away from foods that will get cauught up in your braces such as popcorn, sticky candy like caramel & stabursts. Oh and try to limit your use on chewing gums since it can get caught on braces and pull them off. Hope I helped!  

  11. you can prolly do pizza with no crust but not hamburgers....

    soups...and like pastas just soft'll naturally know what you can eat... oh and carry water after you rinse your will come in handy lol

  12. ok umm ya u can eat crust and chew gummm and stuff but just stay away from carmal and stuf and just brush alottttttttttt

  13. Yeah you can eat that stuff, and you can eat practically anything not on the do not eat list if you have braces, but if its the first day you got them, then hard things will hurt. So hamburgers adn pizza should be okay but you may receive some pain. I would recommend getting like milkshakes and yogurt and stuff like that.

  14. After you get used to them and the pain goes away in a few days, you can eat what you used to normally eat. It won't harm you as long as you brush your teeth well.

  15. well you can eat pretty much anything, like as much as those restrictions apply dont be too conscious in filling them. Pizza even with the crust isnt bad depends on the crust like pizza hut pizza is fine.  i've eaten lots of foods that i shouldnt have and still ended up with perfect teeth after two yrs of braces.  Once in a while, you can leave the restrictions out like having candy to a certain extent like dont go having gummy worms or something thats annoying to take out.  

    nevertheless lots of things are pretty much good, ive had tacos but for the restrictions have soft tacos, most mexican food is good unless they are crunchy.  Pasta is good too.  Fish is generally good its not too crunchy/hard to chew unlike chicken or steak.  i would stay away from steak definitely but once in a while have chicken.  beef is also good.  soup is good.  

    you should remember that in keeping these restrictions you shouldnt avoid eating healthy like salads or fruits/vegetables.  you can always cut or buy them sliced.  you can also make shakes out of them.

    desserts arent too bad dont avoid them either like ice cream in fact sometimes icecream can help your teeth if they hurt since its cold.  

  16. you've pretty much got it.  I got braces recently, too.  You can eat hamburgers and pizza without crust.  You can eat bread and bread crusts.  Pasta is good. Mostly, you can eat anything, but it won't feel regular to eat for a while, like four or five days. VERY IMPORTANT POINT: For the first few days your braces will hurt and ache.  So stick to foods like soup, pudding, and Jell-O.  When in a lot of pain, take Motrin, Advil, or Tylenol, swish salt water in your mouth (this soothes gums), or drink a glass of ice cold water.

  17. Welll. For the first week or so it's pretty hard to eat.. so i suggest soup,pudding,milkshakes,eggs... soft foods to start out with for the first week.

  18. i hope you are happy with your braces. you will get used to them so dont worry.

    given time, you will pretty much be able to eat anything, and it wont matter. but since you just got them on, and its all new to you, i would eat anything soft like jello, mashed potatoes, soup! anything will do really, but just stay away from sticky candy.


  19. Honestly, I've found that you can eat most of that stuff anyway.  However, do be careful with your braces, especially when you first get them on.

  20. They say you can't each all that stuff but you can. Just make sure it's not too hard. for the first few months it's going to be sore so be careful.

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