
What to expect at 9th grade orientation ?

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What do i do ? Do i need to bring my parents ? What do you do there ? Is there anything i need to bring ? Do i need to pay for anything ?




  1. Meet with counselors to discuss your schedule..choose classes

    Check out your new school

    Get locker combo

    You will receive required reading for the whole school year = $$

    You might take student ID Photo

    You will need your parents

    You'll definitely get ALOT of textbooks

  2. Just walk in.  Bring your parents if you want.  Go in the gym and listen to the older kids trying to make you feel better about the experience (a lot of them know how you feel and want you to like being a freshmen).  Bring any paperwork the front office asked for.  There may or may not be class, ID, or program fees.

  3. alot of anxious and annoying ppl

  4. Most parents go. They just talk about the next four years, and what's in store. Then they give you your schedule and give you time to go find your classes. Sometimes even the teachers are there! It's free.

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