
What to expect for braces?

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I'm getting braces next week and i was wondering what to expect?

will the procedure hurt?

will it hurt after?

what can i eat?

is it REALLY no gum or popcorn OR SODA for 2 YEARS?

and will the "aftermath" pain be severe?

should i take a TYLENOL ?





  1. I use to have braces, it was just torture. No popcorn, No gum, No good candy, no bad candy, PAIN, More PAIN you look ugly, and when you take them off, the place where the pallet expander use to be feels INCREDIBLY tickly, num, and strange.  But  my teeth are beautious now!

  2. I got braces put on when I was 10 and got them taken off when I was 13..and now I'm 20 with a nice straight smile! It's not much fun, i'll tell you that much. Getting them on doesn't hurt but for the next few days your teeth will be very sore and they'll also be sore every time you get them tightened. You'll want to stay away from solid foods until you get used to them. They said no gum and popcorn and all that but I ate it anyways. Sometimes food will get stuck in your braces but you just brush your teeth a lot. I found I got more cavities with braces, unfortunately. It's only for a couple years, and you'll have a beautiful straight smile when it's all over! Good luck :D

  3. pain for the 1st week. So bad the first couple days you cant eat anything. You could try Tylenol but it doesnt help that much

    Ortho appointments every month or w/e to get them tightened...might hurt, mine rarely did after appointments

    It won't hurt to get them on or off

    you can eat anything, as long as you brush your teeth like 3 times a day, thats what i did and when i got my braces off everything was fine, they didn't know i chewed gum, ate popcorn, carmel or drank soda

    And once you get them off it wont hurt at will feel your teeth with your tounge the rest of the day though cuz it feels weird hhah

    you might have to use rubber bands if you have an overbite

    overall i didnt like having braces, but once u get them off you look a h**l of a lot more attractive haha

    good luck

  4. You should get the clear ones!

  5. You should be excited and thankful.  Your mouth feels really full of metal and will be sore for the first week or two, but then you get used to it.

    I ate gum and drank soda, but you need to be sure to keep your teeth really clean.  Floss and brush faithfully.  Otherwise, when your braces come off your teeth will be stained for good.  You have nothing to be afraid of, it's simple.

  6. i drank soda and chewed gum a lot when i had braces. just make sure you brush your teeth.

    but every time you get them tightened.. you wont be able to eat hard foods for a few days.. it totally sucks but it is worth it all in the end.

  7. Well, I've only had braces for 4 months, so i can't pretend to be this BIG expert or something. Getting the braces on itself doesn't really hurt; it's after half an hour or so that you really start to feel the pressure/pain...the second day is the worst. The third and fourth days are OK, and by the fifth day, you'll have it down!! It might take about 1-2 weeks (approx.) to get used to the braces. Make sure to stock up on a LOOOOT of soft foods; you'll need them, trust me! Take ibuprofen; it helps A TON.

    You can still drink diet pop but it's true, noo popcorn :(:(:(!!! And no other hard, chewy, etc....urgh . Braces suck, but you may as well wear the rubber bands and stuff to get them off earlier and get cool colors to have fun with them!

    The pain during the first few days goes like this, BTW: (on a scale of 1 to 10---10 being the highest)

    1st day: about a 6, 7, or 8

    2nd day: a 9 or 10!

    3rd day: 4 or 5

    Decreases from there..

    And don't worry, getting braces is actually not as scary as it seems! :) Best of luck!


  8. The only thing I remember hurting was when they tighten your braces at your followup appointments.  You might want to take a Tylenol before those appointments.  It's not bad, so don't be afraid.  You can pretty much eat whatever you want, except for gum and popcorn or anything really hard.  The reason is because your brackets will pop off.  But if that happens you just go back and get them glued back on.  Better to follow the drs. orders 'cuz then you can get them off sooner.  You will love your teeth so any temporary inconveniences will be so worth it when you see your beautiful straight teeth for the first time!

  9. nope the procedure does not hurt it might feel weird at times but it does not hurt......yes after it will feel really uncomfortable because u can really feel how the braces are tight but a few days later it will get better and it won't bother u. I heard that u can chew gum but it has to be sugarfree and yup u can't eat too much popcorn or drink too much soda....don't worry braces don't hurt dat much they can be really annoying though.

  10. I've had my braces for 3 years now and I get them off September 31.

    When I first got them it didn't hurt at all, but every person is different with pain. After a few hours of getting them they will be sore (Kind of like when you get a bruise, except in your mouth). When you try to eat it will be like "Ugh" and you might get a headache, but force yourself to chew as it works the soreness out faster.

    I ate soft stuff like mashed potatoes, ice cream, green beans, jello etc, but again everyone is different. If you can eat harder things, go for it.

    You're not supposed to eat chewy or hard things because it can break your brackets, but I admit that I sneak sometimes :D I've never heard about Soda before but I know they advise against Chewing Gum, Hard Candy, Ice, and chips that end in O (Doritos, Frito's, etc)

    Yes you can take Tylenol if the pain is that bad. I hope this helped :]]

  11. it will not hurt you may feel some discomfort when the metal bands are put around your back molars most likely not though yes it will hurt after wards and you cant eat anything hard for a week or 2 i have had braces for a little over a month and have not ate gum or popcorn but i have drank all the soda i want take tylenol an hour b4 you go to ge them and after they are on

    Good Luck!!!

    Girly Girl 4 Ever

  12. You may experience tenderness when the braces need to be tightened but overall it shouldn't hurt.

    You can eat almost anything you currently eat w/o braces with the exception of corn on the cob.

    Seriously, braces and veneers are the best investments that anyone can do for themselves.    

  13. taky tylenol.

    and no you can have popcorn, just be careful eating it & brush your teeth well.

    you will feel pressure on your teeth after.

    eat yogurt, chicken noodle soup, ice cream, bananas anything SOFT

  14. It will hurt after you get them for like a day. I used an oral medication. After a year, you will see a ton of difference. I chew gum, eat popcorn, and soda. I know it's really bad, but the popcorn is only dangerous if I bite down on a kernel, that's why I test it with a soft bite then bite down hard.

  15. the procedure does'nt hurt one bit

    to eat for at least two weaks will be kinda hard because your teeth are moving and kinda hurting

    yes it's true NO chewing GUM, drinking SODA [ hehe i don't drink soda anymore and i lost 11pounds Yayy!!] ;p

    no you should take any medicine it's not that dreadful errr

    foods you can eat: anything except for carmel, popcorn, food that's hard to chew, and well any food thats literally too hard lol

    hope this helps [my experience with braces] :\

  16. ooooooooh braces! =]

    I couldn't wait to get mine - as i remember, i was excited about picking the colours - odd, i know =]

    the procedure itself isnt horribly painful - uncomfortable is more accurate. Afterwards is when the pain sets in - the bands are slowly pulling your teeth into position, so obviously you're going to have to experience some pain.From what i remember though, after i had it fitted, and each time i had it tightened, about a week or so later i was pain free.

    The pain itself not so bad that you won't be able to eat properly. Some foods may proove difficult though, such as apples, tough meat and other hard foods, but the majority of your diet will be able to remain the same as it is now.

    As for the 'forbidden foods' issues, popcorn isnt too much of a problem, unless you get it caught between your teeth (in which case, give them a good brush and it'll dislodge itself) soda isnt great for your teeth whether you have a brace or not, but apart from potentially discolouring your bands it shouldn't hurt, and i asked my orthadontist why she told people not to eat chewing gum. Apparently it's cause they got fed up of pulling it off the bottoms of the chairs in the waiting room - lol.

    i wouldn't take a painkiller untill after you've had your brace fitted. When the pain kicks in, feel free to take the recommended amount, as long as your orthadotist agrees. I was dosed up on paracetamol for a good few days untill the pain wore off =]

    The best bits of advice i can give for having a brace is this:

    1. relax while its being fitted, it'll be much easier for both your and your orthadontist

    2. be kind to yourself - brush gently, dont eat too many hard foods and go to all your dentist appointments

    3. remember that in a few years you will have beautiful teeth =]

    Good luck!

  17. The procedure itself won't really hurt at all. You will be sore for a few days after so stick to softer foods. I had gum, soda, popcorn etc all while I had mine on. The only problem with the harder foods (like popcorn kernels) and sticky foods, like gum, can cause a broken bracket. I have mine for a 2 years and ate all that and I never broke a bracket. Just make sure to brush well. Also, I do recommend Tylenol or any other pain killer, because you will be sore.  

  18. I heard the procedure will be comfortable. Your braces can give you some discomfort after. You can eat anything but sticky foods or sweets. You can take medicine for the pain as well.

  19. Yeah it will hurt like h**l!!!!! but only for like 3 days, but you cannot eat like anything for those three days. after that, i mean, the ortho is always like, dont eat anything gummy sticky chewy, but i do, and it doesnt matter!!! it doesn't usually get stuck. what you do need to take seriously is that you cant like, bite into a whole apple, cause that could pull your braces off.

    If you have anymore question you can email me at i am 13, and a girl, and i have braces on my teeth right now, so we can have pain together! good luck, oh, and you have to keep your mouth open for a while during the procedure, and you might wanna wear some chapstick. also, after try to eat something quickly before it starts to hurt really bad.

  20. well the procedure will NOT hurt at all

    nd unfortunately it will hurt afterward

    but only for about a week :]

    u probably wont wanna eat

    anything since its gonna

    hurt but u shuld eat liquids

    like soup

    nd u might want 2 wait

    b4 u start chewing gum or

    eating popcorn cuz that will

    ruin ur braces

    nd if it hurts a lot

    after a few days

    u culd take some

    tylenol it DOES help

    hope thats enough info


  21. i have gum, popcorn and soda all the time.  well, not popcorn, but that's because i don't like it.  my ortho said for me to chew gum everyday.  especially when i got my braces tightened or adjusted in anyway.  he told me to chew gum because it keeps the circulation in your gums so that the blood is flowing, which moves your teeth faster, and causes less pain.  if i chew gum asap after i get out of there, my teeth don't even hurt.  but don't chew like bubbalicious.  chew orbit, ot extra.  and soda- there is nothing wrong with it, at all.  so, your ortho is mental.  but, if you want popcorn, you'll just suffer the consequence of having to pick out the kernels.  but other that that, the pain is minor considering how you'll look when they're off(:

  22. okay, i had braces for 2 years:

    item 1: not really, it smells pretty funny. first they clean your teeth like at the dentist, then they paint your teeth with a funny smelling glue that helps the brackets stick. then they put the brackets on, then they shine a light in your mouth that dries the glue.

    item 2: yes, for a few days after that and after you get tightening.

    item 3: they give you a list of things you can't eat. after a tightening, i myself lived on  jello, ice cream, and soup!

    item 4: well, i ate that stuff, but the important thing is you have to take care of your teeth, brush them RIGHT after you finish eating it!

    item 5: yes.

    item 6: yeah, tylenol works if it's really bad.

    good luck! you'll have a beautiful smile after you're finished if you take care of them! =)

  23. the procedure does not really hurt... but it starts to hurt about 2 hours later and it hurts alot... tylenol is probably a good idea. Alsoo when you get your braces it really hurts to chew so you have to eat soft things for a while... most people don't follow the rules for braces all  the time but you should try to sso that your braces and teeth don't move or get sore

  24. The procedure will hurt, just because you've never had something like that done to your teeth before.

    Yes it will hurt after, because your teeth are now sensitive and they've already started moving from the braces.

    You can eat pretty much anything, usually sticky candies such as laffytaffy and carmel aren't a good choice.

    You should ask your dentist about the no gum, popcorn, or soda thing, because certain dentists have different preferences,

    Your teeth will probably be very sore the next day, and you probably won't want to eat because your teeth hurt, but i suggest soup, oatmeal, and jello for the first day, your teeth will be too sore to chew.

    Take tylenol if you get a headache or your teeth hurt really bad, i found when i first got my braces, that drinking alot of water helps. its sort of a pain reliever. ask your teacher if you can bring water to class and sip on it, it will make you feel better.

    and don't worry! the pain goes away after a few days. =)

  25. yes it will hurt during and after. u can have soda but no gum or popcorn

  26. I had braces before, and they hurt for about a week after I got them. During that time, I only ate food that was soft and easy to chew, because other food hurt too much.  Taking tylenol will help, also warm salt water rinses.  Some of the things they told me not to eat, I ate anyway, like soft candy that isn't sticky and soda (if you brush your teeth right away, it won't hurt you).  But popcorn, gum, hard candy, and other sticky things, I stayed away from.  It was hard at first, but after a little while, I got used to it.  But now, I have a perfect smile, so it was all worth it.  Also remember to wear your retainer afterwards, or it will all be a waste.

  27. thay hurt like $##@$l but none follow rules

  28. the procedure wont hurt at all, just takes about an hour to do. it will begin to hurt a couple hours after done. try taking tylenol/mtorin before going in and throughout the day for soreness. i did not eat normal until about a week and a half later. i lived off of pudding, smoothies and mashed potatoes for that week. it will feel really weird at first, but you will get used to it, trust me!

    as far as what to not eat for the two years, Id say just follow whatever your otho tells you, only he knows best!

    i go get mine tightened tomorrow!  this also brings back the soreness but it only last for a day.

  29. it doesnt really hurt, your gums will be tender after so it might be hard to eat hard food or chewy things, but after a few days it will be fine

    you can eat almost anything but they say to stay away from popcorn, hard nacho shells, gum, chewy candy, pop and so on

    but i think all in moderation is okay( once or twice a week) if you brush your teeth good and after it( DO NOT bite on suckers and popcorn kernals or eat hard nacho shells, thos ealways broke mine)

    i wouldnt take tylenol i would get the stuff to numb your gums that people put on there babys gums when they are teething


  30. it will hurt like 3 hours after they do it not while they do it

    it WILL hurt when you get it tightend sometimes more then others


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