
What to expect from P.E.?

by  |  earlier

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So recently I discovered without PE, I can't graduate, therefore I HAVE to take it [It's gonna be a drag]. I'm really depressed at the thought of the classes so I'm asking what to expect from it: are they gonna force you to play basketball, volleyball? Because I HATE team sports, I rather do it individually. My fears are Humiliation, and rejection. Are there any good advice that may help me to get through PE this year? Note that this is my first time at having to take the d**n class.




  1. Well, when I had P.E... we HAD to do something, or we would get a bad grade.. I'm not sure what they'll make you do, but it'll be something...I hated basketball and other team sports, so I know how you feel. But, I didn't want to I did it.

    Sometimes they'll probably let you do what you want to do,...just try to be active and make it fun.  

  2. lighten up!  It's not all bad.  You don't have to love it but obviously you have to take it if you ever want to graduate!  

    Try to just take a deep breath, and make the most of it.  You might even enjoy it a bit!  :)

    Remember what Mark Twain said, "You are about as happy as you make up your mind to be."

    Don't worry, Be happy!

  3. we played basketball and volleyball. for my school its like 6 people on the court against 6 so i sat out and i never got in :) lol. but if u have 2 just stand there and pretend ur playing. i cant resist with out sports im good at like every sport. they wont make fun of u just try 2 play!!!

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