
What to expect going into 7th grade?

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i know ill have advanced geography or soical studies and advanced science which is as high as it gets in my shool plus 9th grade algebra and gifted language arts also im gonna be in year commite/ jourlism as my elective and gym class plus some other clubs and sports so what should i expect school starts on august 18th and im kinda scared last year i lost and made a lot of friends plus a couple of enimies so can anyone help me and tell me what to expect




  1. I just finished my 7th grade year and will know be going into 8th grade. Trust me it is ok to be scared and nervous. I definitly was.

    When I moved to the other side of my town I ended up going to a different school than all my friends I had known sense 2nd grade. This made it even more dificult for me, but it also allowed me to become anyone I wanted becasue nobody new me. This was a great bonus.

    I know how you feel about taking all advanced classes. I did too. I took all the honors avalible and I took Algebra 1. (9th grade algebra) Going into my 8th grade year I will also be taking more advanced classes. You really shouldn't worry to much about taking these classes. Honors classes generaly just want a better quality of work from you, it DOESN'T mean more work.

    7th grade was a blast for me and if I could do it over I would do it exactly the same. Trust me, you will love it. You have a lot more freedom.

    P.S. Most 8th graders think they are cool and better than all the 7th graders. (i hope i am not like that this year)

    P.S.S. Be yourself!!! Don't try and be like all the other guys that where tight jenes and pink clothes. If noone has noticed yet. THATS WHAT GIRLS WHERE!!! WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO LOOK g*y?!?!!?

    Besides that don't worry you will have a great time.=)

  2. Well that's see kids pick out every little detail about a person so if you have glasses or a big head or pimples, then you will be made fun off. If you look like the popular kids then you wont be made fun off!

  3. Honestly, im going into 8th, and so far 7th grade was freaking amazing, But it all depends on the school you go to.

    My grade point average(how smart i am) Is below normal,

    And i passed the whole year with a C, Its so easy and at my school it was AMAZINGLY fun, Well hope i helped.

    Nothing to be worried about, And please email me and tell me what school you are going to, thanks. (:

  4. Don't worry be happy.I wish nice things for you.BYE

  5. Being in crowds, labeled

  6. 7Th grade is the BEST the teachers are nice coz your new they don't mined if your late. if you have friends going from your primary makes every thing easier. don't be worried just be confidant

    x*x good luck

  7. 7th grade is probably the easiest year of school (out of middle school) but thats just maybe my school. plus dont get all scared and c**p youre supposed to be asking this stuff when you were in 6th grade, not going into 7th grade kid

  8. Nothing really little harder classes, some c**p about 8th grade being the hardest year (which it isn't you do nothing in 8th grade)

  9. bullies strict teachers that will try to get u in trouble for any little thging

  10. Hi,,  me too in 7th grade....

    nice meeting you.....

    except the worst.......   then nothing to worry....

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