
What to expect in High School?

by Guest59790  |  earlier

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Ok, I used to live in New York but then I moved to England. Now I'm 15 and I'm moving back to America but I'm moving to Delaware. I'm going to be going to high school and I should be going to 10th grade but apparently there's a big chance that I'll be moving up to 11th grade. My problem is that I start school on the 25th and I get there on the 22nd so there really isn't any chance for me to meet people or check the place around. I know 100% that I won't know any body in the school I'm going to. I've gotten over the fact that I'm leaving England but all these questions are in my head like, What am I going to wear, What If i get lost on my first day and start crying, What If i sit by myself for the whole school year, what if i never make any friend, Am i too short? I know most of these questions are ridiculous but I can't help thinking. All I really want is assurance that I'm going to be alright and just what to expect from high school and how to behave. Thank you lovelies for all your answers.




  1. I started high school 2 days ago, and I have a lot of the same questions running through my mind. Let's see if I can help you out.

    Wear what you're comfortable in. It's best to show your true personality and style on the first day, from the start.

    Don't worry! Everyone who's new will be a little lost. On my first day, all the school staff had on the same t-shirt, so we could find them. If you need help, just ask an adult.

    You'll make friends. You won't be sitting by yourself all year. Just be friendly in class, and most importantly, smile!

    You aren't too short. You'd be surprised at the people shorter than you!

    Good luck!

  2. you'll be fine, dont worry, calm down, relax

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