
What to expect in college?

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Okay, so I'll be attending college next tuesday on the 2nd of setember, and i was just wondering to expect. will it be like high school with all the cliques and groups and judgmental ppl, will the work be overwhelming, and is it fun? i was really kick back senior year, never did my homework, but still managed to get a 3.5 I'm kinda nervous but im prepared. and how was your first day of college?




  1. College is different--generally folks in college are more laid back and a bit smarter than your average HS class. The exact atmosphere depends on where you wind up going, but in general you're tossed in with a lot of new people also a long way from home and this is generally a good atmosphere for reaching out and getting to know other people.

    I actually found college easier than HS--though I majored in political science, not astrophysics. Some classes are easy, some are hard. My one recommendation is that you should avoid taking lots of really tough classes your first semester, so 1) you can get a sense of what you can handle, and 2) afford to have a bit of fun.

    Good luck.

  2. depending on the size of your school people tend to be a little more open in college than high school. But, if your school is bigger (over 10,000 people) you have to work a lot harder than in high school to make and maintain friends. The first day of college for me was a little weird because many people place you based on how you look (to be fair, it's all they have to go on) but, if you keep your eyes open for things on your campus you like and are into, then it is actually really easy to meet people and very fun. The only thing is you will see people less often so you have to be pretty active to keep up your relationships with people outside of your dorm or classes.

    People will always judgmental, unfortunately but again, depending on your school, there may be more or less separation between people.  College is just kids from high school in a different location minus the people who couldn't get in. But now, everyone who is a transfer or freshman is new and doesn't know many people.

    I find it more manageable than high school because your classes are more spread out and you have fewer assignments (although longer and harder). But it is fun, because you have more freedom.

  3. Congratulations Nate,

                 You are already an academic success by reaching this level. Your first year you will be scared to death. Plan on at least two study hours  for every class hour. DO NOT believe you are above taking the free lectures in test taking, note writing, library use  or how to write a paper.  You will be provided enough nuggets of information to make it worthwhile.

                 Less formal cliques and groups but they exist. Most campus people are non-judgmental and rather open spirited. Use the time to take courses in areas not previously available, visit clubs you have even the slightest interest and

    learn to appreciate culture, history and people from all over this country and world.  

                 You have reason to be excited. It will be a great adventure. It might take a few days, weeks or months to get into the college culture.

                  You might not immediatelt appreciate your new surroundings. My first impression of College was "high school with ashtrays". Make it what you want. You will get swept up in the experience.

                   Stay smart and avoid those who see new freedom as a reason to drink, smoke and do drugs with impunity. You have the rest of your life to be stupid. Avoid those uppers that are claimed to be study aids... They do not work. A multi-vitamin will have better effect as will ginko, a natural herb...

                    Show confidence and friendliness...

    Be your natural self. Always show initial respect to professors... You will learn soon enough who deserve it and who are the pretenders.

                     Yes, you are prepared. The nervousness will pass as you observe others far more nervous than you.

                      The second and third year expect to be worked to death. AND IN YOUR SENIOR YEAR WILL BE LIKE HIGH SCHOOL AND YOU WILL KICK BACK AND BE BORED TO DEATH.

                Remember this is just your first educational step. In the multi-national world economy any field in which you have interest  requires a post-graduate degree....

                 Enjoy and appreciate your good fortune.



  4. There usually aren't any cliques in college, especially for freshman because everyone is like little fish in a big pond. Some classes MAY be fun but not overall. You can't kick back in college, you actually have to earn your grades and the professors will give you no warnings or anything. They'll just look at the work you do and the work you don't. They won't ask you where it is or if you're going to hand it in because it's not their responsibility to baby you.

    On the first day of school for me, we got our syllabus (a planned list of assignments due over the semester) booklist and we started working. It's not like high school where you say hello to your teacher and then get to leave early. No bells ring in college, the professor knows when to let you go and half of the time they will go to the very last minute and sometimes over the class time. You don't have to ask to go to the bathroom or anything unless it's a test/final and 1 page papers are a thing of the past.

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