
What to expect w/getting dog spayed?

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I'm getting my 5 month old westie spayed in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure what to expect of her. They said it's best to wait until 6 months, but she's showing signs of already coming in heat. What should I expect as far as her feeling bad, etc.?




  1. Well most dogs recover right away I think if she could speak she would be thanking you spaying a dog helps it fell better and live longer

    also helps with the overpopulation problem.Also I think you might want to wait until she is 6 months because its always better to be save than sorry.

  2. Every dog is different so I can't tell you exactly how your pup is gonna act. When I got my Rat Terrier spayed she was still kind of drugged up when we got her back, so she was a little lethargic. I could tell she was achey and didn't wanna move around much the first night. The next day she was still a little sore but she showed intrest in wanting to play. By the next night we had to make her lay down because she was trying to run around like she usually does and we were worried about the stitches.

    I'm sure your vet will explain any symptoms she may have and give you a full run down of what will be going on.  

  3. Laying around the house, and very sore. Also the most common is frequent urination. She may slip up and pee in the house only bc from where the catheter was placed in her. It will b a brownish/bloodyish pee.But this only lasts for maybe 2 days. And she may even squat to pee and nothing even come out.

    Also you may see a small amount of weight gain..

  4. Well I got my Finnish Spitz mix spayed and I was the one who felt bad. They say it helps them in the long run but I felt bad she wasn't able to have puppies. But because it was the best option I did it.

    My dog was actually fine within a few days. The vet will tell you the basic care really. My dog was just very tired after her operation and despite the vet saying give her ice instead of water she still puked it up. All in all she was fine though.

  5. 5 months is fine. :) She will be groggy for the first few days from anesthesia, and wont want to eat. My dog  threw up her first night. The stitches will heal in 1-2 weeks, and if she tries to bite at them, you'll need an E-collar.

    Good luck and thanks for spaying & being responsible!

  6. You are doing your dog a favor by spaying early.  Each heat increases the chance of mammary cancer.  Dogs don't think like people, don't think, WOW, I'm having surgery and it's going to hurt.

  7. First of all congrats on getting your puppy spayed! Every dog is different my dog was down for a few days, she looked a little depressed and tired which is normal, after a few days she will be back to her normal self again.  She might not feel affected at all!  Make sure you keep an eye on the incision, to make sure it doesn't get red or swollen.  If it happens to start looking like that, make sure you contact the vet.

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