
What to expect when interviewing with Directors of a Company??

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I have a 2nd interview with a technology firm tomarrow. I am a business student applying as a business analyst. Ive been called in for my second interview tomarrow and I am interviewing for an hour with the Director of Client Operations and another hour with the Director of Training and Methodology. I can guess what their jobs entails, but can anyone tell me what to expect, as far as quiestions asked, when interviewing with each one? Im thinking that I need to make the Director of training believe that I will have a quick learning curve and have potential to become extremely well at the position, but what should I aim at when interviewing witht he director of client operations? Fresh out of college and this is my first real job interview for a job in my intended career field. An advice will be appreciated.

Thanks, and wish me luck tomarrow!




  1. Hard to know for sure without knowing the company or the people, but I'd say just be yourself.  Be honest about your strengths & weaknesses.  When I interview potential employees it's usually pretty easy to spot BS.

    Good luck!  :)

  2. You didn't give much information about the company involved but I understand they have a director of "training and methodology" and they are a technology firm and they are willing to hire a business analyst for their sales team. I would assume they customize their "solution" to fit the needs of their clients (which would explain why they need a business analyst in their sales-department). Under this assumption:

    You have to convince the client operations director that you would (1) fit into his team and (2) understand the different needs/desires of each client, (3) able to "translate" these needs into solutions and (4) adapt the existing solution/technology to be The Solution the client wants or at least be able to describe which adaptions are necessary.

    Don't be afraid to say you need to partner with someone with more technology-knowledge (it's expected anyway).

    Good luck

    PS You would be surprised how many business is lost only because salespeople do not understand the importancy of some "minor issues".

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