
What to feed my 8 month old?

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My baby boy will not eat baby cereal, I tried to feed him the baby food in the jars. Like fruits and veggies, but he doesnt like them. I was told to just skip baby food and go to table food. I dont know what to make for him bc all I eat is junk food, fast food. I dont really cook. But I dont want to feed my baby c**p food. Can anyone give me any suggestions as what to feed him? thanks!!




  1. It's time to take responsibility and start eating healthy and feeding healthy things to your baby. You can make your own purees (very easy) or even easier steam up some veggies and let baby self feed.

    There is no need for rice cereal or baby food.  

  2. do not start your baby on fast food! oh no! that is the worst thing you could possibly do for your child. You can find lil entres in grocery stores that are good for babies. but whatever you do DO NOT feed him junk food. It is your responsibility to make sure your baby is nourished properly. If you keep this up, he could become malnourished, have growth problems, health problems, a low immune system where he always gets sick, and bad eating habits THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

  3. Thats odd he doesnt like the jar foods, have you tried all different flavors bc I read in Parenting magazine that sometimes it takes up to 13 different flavors to find one they like.  There are a lot of dinners and veggies my 8 month old wont eat without me dipping them in the jarred fruit, or regular Motts applesauce.  If you want to go the table food route, you can make normal foods that you would eat and blend them up in a blender until there are no little pieces.  You can almost give him anytihng you would have for dinner, so start cookin lady! You can blend up mac and cheese, chicken and veggies or dumplins, pasta and tomato sauce. One of my sons favorite is ham, pineapple and rice.  Good luck with your picky lil eater!

  4. i bet he wants to feed himself, my 7 month old feeds himself and does fine!

    any vegetable can be steamed (you can even buy a steamer and it has directions on how to steam, it's super easy) - broccoli, green beans, asparagus, zucchini, carrots, green peas, squash, white or sweet potatoes, spinach, etc.

    he can eat fruit (if it is hard fruit like an apple you could slice it and bake it and make baked apples with some cinnamon on them - you can also do it with carrots) - but raw fruit he can eat peaches, bananas, pears, blueberries cut in half, etc.

    you can buy a piece of fish or chicken, cut it up into strips, put mayonnaise on them then roll them in bread crumbs and bake

    you could make pasta with tomato sauce (mix some steamed veggies in with it to make healthier)

    you could make mashed sweet potatoes and mix some meat and veggies in with it (i form little pieces that he can pick up)

    he can eat yogurt (they evevn have YoBaby yogurt which has fruit in it or you can buy plain whole milk yogurt ad mix fruit in it)

    you could make pancakes mixed with fruit or french toast

    these are just some things i have made for my 7 month old...and if you don't know how to make something, like mashed potatoes or pancakes, use the internet!  you can find recipes for anything on the internet (i find some great recipes at a site called: - people submit recipes and other people can try them and write reviews of their recipes, so good ones get like 5 stars, it's a great website, but you can find recipes anywhere)...

    if you learn how to do basic stuff now you will be able to make your own creations and will become a pro at cooking, it's very fun to cook and try new recipes.  you will have to feed him for years to come so i would start learning now (besides it is so much tastier to eat food you cook than fast food!)  

    good luck!

  5. have you tried gerber 1st age food? i know you stated you have given jar food but you have to buy different kinds so he can pick his favorite... my son likes sweet potato, carrots, and pears... he hates earths best. you can also try honey wheat cereal called nestum for babies, my son loves it.... as for the fruits you can simply blend a banana, smash apples etc.... if not you can purchase this item  (you can find it at target or munchkin)   i simply put a piece of fruit inside like watermelon cantaloupe or banana etc n hand it over to my son it's completely safe he's had it for almost 2 months now and never once choked.... it's like as tough he's feeding himself but in a safe was you not worrying about him choking. good luck  

  6. At this point, his digestive system is not fully developed on hundred percent, so introducing new foods, especially table foods, can disrupt his tummy, and even cause allergies. If you don't want you feed your baby that "baby c**p food", make your own! It's very easy, and you can choose your own ingredients, freeze the food in the freezer in those little ice containers, and thaw a little block for feeding time. It's very easy and even fun. But don't feel rushed to give your little one table food just yet. A baby could go on a whole year just on breast milk alone. But introducing table food so early in the game is guaranteed to cause digestional issues...

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