
What to feed my horse?? Horse feeding dilemma!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have two horses, but I just sold one (an Arabian Mare) and im moving my other one to a large place where theres self feeding every day, which means you have to go out there yourself and feed them.

He's a 16.2 hand Thouroughbred Gelding, and i have a basic idea of what to feed him but I just wanted to get other people's opinion onwhat he should get daily.

BTW-ill be riding about once a day, doing things like jumping and dresage training so he'll be pretty active.




  1. Hun only if your riding him every day you can give him 2 dippers of a mixed grain feed that has a great mixture of oats, corn, barley, molases. some type of bean etc..

    Please dont over feed him as some people do & they think they are doing the right thing by the horse when in truth they are not.

    if you give him to much he will get to fresh & may not do what is asked of him & he may also play up.

    Grain is a hot feed which gives them energy.

    if you dont work the energy out of him he will only be naughty.

    If you decide not to ride him for a few days stop the grain to only half a dipper.

    Mixed gain bags are great as they are all made up for you & saves you from buying many bags of differemnt feed.

    Add lucern chaff & oaten chaff with it as well, you could also add some bran mixed with watered down molasses.

    Bran isnt an energy food but is very good for them but can make them to fat if given to much of it.

    Only feed your horse grains if your riding him hun, like i said before it helps give him energy.

    Its like us, if we dont eat energy food we feel tired.

    geldings seem to get fatter than mares/fillys so please dont think your being kind to him by giving him alot of food because your not.

    Hope this helps a little

  2. U own a horse and dont even know how to feed it !!!

    somthing is very wrong with this picture

  3. Who's been feeding them?  

    That is who you need to talk to.  

    Changing feed, feeding times and amounts of feed can lead to colic.  Changes should be made gradually.  

    Do yourself and your horse a favor and get the information from the person that is feeding them now.

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