
What to get for my birthday? Teenager

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Okay so I have a little over 400 dollars saved because I wanted a macbook and I was supposed to pay for part.

I kind of have OCD...I like obsessed and obsessed over a macbook but my birthday is in a little more than a month and I have stopped obsessing. I'm worried I'll get bored of it! Should I get a macbook which I still want, but am unsure, and have wanted for over a year? Or should I buy something with my money and ask my parents for something else? Or what?

I need ideas!




  1. I thought I was the only one who obsessed about getting one. My birthday is also coming up and I am asking for some money to help purchase a Macbook. Go ahead and try and get one, you won't be disappointed, and since there's so much to do on a Macbook I doubt you'd get bored from it easily. Good Luck.

  2. You have to ask yourself this question: What will you do on the MacBook that you will not be able to do on the computer you are using now. If you can give some reasons for the MacBook then just get it. And it's also not OCD just because you have a desire to buy

  3. Technically, that's not really OCD.

    The usage of money all depends on how much you are going to need for college. If you're going to a college that won't provide you with a laptop, I say get the Macbook.

  4. Well it really depends. Would you be using the mac book just for fun or for school or what? :)

  5. Asus eee.

    Exactly $400.00

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