
What to give a host family to say "Thank you"?

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A friend of mine (15yrs) is going from South Australia to the UK for a month and will be staying with a host family. What gifts could she give to say "Thank you"?




  1. I am going to give to my host family a remember of my country, something that symbolizes a thing of my country and I am going to give them a jewel of my country that calls "la bolivianita". by the way I am from bolivia and I am going to usa

  2. well, my cousin went to live with a family in Copenhagen. he lives in nyc. when we went shopping for the thank you stuff, we basically decided that it was best to buy things that would remind them (or at least show them) where he's from.

    just like you'd bring back souveniers for your family, you'd bring things from your actual home to wherever you're going. (f.y.i. we got jellybelly jellybeans.. so very american, heh.)

    so pick something that is native to South Australia and go for it.

  3. asdfasdf

  4. A nice letter thanking the host family. When she gets back home, she can send them something that they want but cant get in their country,

  5. I'd suggest a nice bottle of red wine (from the Barossa Valley -- of course).

    But I'd also suggest your friend make up a small scrapbook before she goes.  Includes some pictures of herself, the area where she lives, some postcards of Adelaide, etc.  It doesn't need to be a large "scrapbook"... A5 size would be perfect.  With pictures of herself AND her family.  

    But I'd suggest she make it backwards.

    Put all the Australian pictures at the back, and leave a few pages at the front blank.  Then, while in the U.K... she can put in some "happy snaps" of places and the family she is with, etc.  

    Then she can present the scrapbook to her host family as a farewell gift.  A special memory of her time with them; and a way of saying "thanks for having me".

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