
What to give my boss for goodbye?

by  |  earlier

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My boss leaving the company and we have a month to come up with a goodbye gift. Me and my coworkers are out of ideas. I don't know him that well, and he's a pretty senior person at my company. I know he likes baseball and vacationing, if this helps. Suggestions?




  1. Or another thing is you could buy a really big baseball themed gift basket for him with tickets to a game inside the basket as a special surprise.

  2. Find out who his favorite team is and get a team shirt with his name on the Back with his favorite player number on it. How about something he could use when vacationing, a travel clock or something like that. the gift should be something that you and your co-workers feel would give him memories of the crew he has worked with.

    Good luck and talk it over with your co-workers, you will think of something.

  3. Throw a party, he must be leaving for a good reason.

  4. How much money do you have a ipod shuffle? itunes gift card? Some of your coworkers could take him out of dinner?  

  5. You're an *** kisser.

  6. Why don't you and your coworkers set up a party and do a stay-cation. It's like a vacation, but you stay at home. Buy him tickets to a baseball game. Or do a huge party and pretend you're on vacation. Put up decoraations and make it a tropical getaway in the office! Get some tropical drinks, lots of fruit, and some lleis and you're good to go! Don't forget the hawaiian shirts.

  7. Maybe you can get him a ticket to a baseball game or ask him where he wants to vacation at. Then get him a plane ticket to go there. Hope i helped! :)

  8. tickets to his favorite baseball team's game

    all of your coworkers and you can go together to buy them as a farewell gift. i think he would like it.

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