
What to give your baby before shots?

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My son is going for his 2 month checkup and needs 4 shots. What is the best thing to give him before he goes? Also, is it wise to let them give him so many shots at once?




  1. If you are breastfeeding, definitely give the boob after!!! Tylenol is best, as they'll tell you, take him to the park or McD's or a fun place after, like a children's museum or the zoo.

  2. tylenol just like every other shot appt!

  3. give a dose of calpol half an hour or bit more before you  go to doctors. not much else you can do.

  4. baby tylenol

  5. some infant tylenol or motrin...will more then likely make him fussy and  give him a fever...

  6. Make sure hes not hungry or sleepy.  And give him a dose of baby tylenol about a half hour before his appt.

  7. about an hour before his appointment give him wont hurt him to get them all at once or they wouldn't do them.good luck on shot day!!

  8. Give him baby Tylenol or Motrin about 30-40 minutes ahead of the appointment. You can also feed him.  It will help with any discomfort he might experience!

  9. Infant's tylenol - 1 dose.  

    They know what they're doing.  Also, though he's getting 4 vaccinations, he may only actually have 2 injections.  They combine them to make it easier on the child.  

    You're doing the right thing to keep your baby healthy.  Great Job!

    ...I always cried for the baby shots.  Good luck...

  10. doctors recommend u give them the smallest dosage recommended for infants (0.4 ml) of Infant's Tylenol. give it to them before you leave the house.

    **LOL i get a thumbs down for giving the same info as most ppl in here and they get thumbs up...crazy**

    and y would u take a 2 month old to McDonald's or a museum?! it's best to take them home cuz they are usually a little cranky and tired. (their little legs may be sore from the shot as well).

    and as for the 4 shots, it's perfecty safe and normal for them to get that many at once. they no longer are protected from immunities like they were when they were inside you and the 2 months after, therefore need these immunizations.

  11. Why not? And give him milk unless the doctor tells you otherwise.

  12. you can give infant tylenol, but i wouldnt until you kn ow the exact dosage, and he may not even need anything. every baby reacts differently to the shots. not all need any pain relievers.

    and its perfectly fine for him to have that may shots.  

  13. Give him Tylenol before his shots & it'll help avoid some of the fussiness that goes along with it.

    The docs know what they're doing with shots, just trust them.

  14. My son just had his 2 month checkup as well.  Do not give him anything before you go.  They will give him 4 shots...2 in each leg..goes by quick..he will then tell you to give him .08ml of baby tylenol. so make sure you have that in hand! you give him that every 4 hours as needed or if you think he needs it. i only had to give my son it twice and he was fine. no fever or anything. just knots on his legs and the next day it hurt him if i touched his legs. but after that he was fine!

  15. make sure he eats well, and be aware ha may be tired or sick after, so dont plan anything but going home and relaxing.  

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