
What to it will be term in jail for her?

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How many it is possible to give to punishment 35 years old woman which was engaged in s*x with 13 years old boy?




  1. Its a rape charge that can carry up to ten years. However, only the judge can decide what the sentence will be.

  2. Because the child is 13 and cannot legally consent to s*x it's rape. Minimum sentence in England is 5 year's Maximum is Life, I'm not sure what it is in America though.

  3. there is a double standard when it comes to this type of case. If it were the other way around, the guy would be looking at life in prison. Lately, women have not been getting little to no time in jail for this offense, just probation and ordered to stay away from the child.

  4. She will definately go to prison and probably get 20 to 30 years.  When and if she jets out she will also have to file as a s*x offender.  She should be ashamed of herself.

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