
What to know when i vist italy?

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are there any websites or if anyone can give me a couple heads up things to know about italy....maybe a list of maditory words to know things like stuff to know so its not a surprise...

thanks for the help





    Buongiorno - Good day

    Buonasera - Good evening/afternoon - it is customary to use one of these greetings when entering small shops

    Arrivederci - Goodbye

    Per favore - Please

    Grazie - Thank you

    Scusi - Excuse me

    Parla inglese? - Do you speak English?

    Non parlo italiano - I don't speak Italian

    Dov'è il bagno? - Where's the bathroom?

  2. italian?!!!

  3. Buy a guide book.AND READ IT. Ask your travel agent for some information. If you live in a major city there should be an Italian Tourist Board - contact them. You'll find it though the local Consulate.

    Get / be informed before going and your chances of having the best vacation of your life are guaranteed!

  4. Don't get me wrong but i read your answers and it makes me laugh...

    I am italian and i live in Rome...

    You don't need special raccomandation to come to Italy...

    If you're going to rent a car, you have to keep your lights on all day long in or out of the city...

    The speed limits are very low, unfortunately, cause they left it the way they were 50 years ago...

    I know that everyone in the world thinks that we are crazy drivers and it's kinda true but i lived in LA and at the beginning i was scared to drive there! Especially on the don't worry...i think we drive the same way!

    some words...

    Buongiorno means Good morning

    Buonasera is good evening/afternoon

    Grazie is thanks

    Dove è il bagno - Where's the restroom/bathroom

    (you dont have the "gn" sound and it's hard for you to say it but you can try and say it like a double "n" BANNO")

    You'll see that it's easier than it looks...

    Another thing: when you take the bus or metro, keep your purse/bag/whatever in front of you...

    Unfortunately there are lots of people who are there waiting for turists and they'll steal you wallet...

    Most of the times, they're not italians...but you can't see the watch out for everybody!

    If you need other information, contact me...

    Have a nice trip in this beautiful country!

  5. just use the words the other people put.  otherwise u can use

    quanta cosca -how much is it

    learn how to count to 20 (it help me alot)

    and i was told to use POSSO -can i , then just act out the part of what you want then they will know what u r talking about.

    traffic is hecktic in Rome and many places so watch out or they might hit you with there car.

  6. That you need your lights on when you drive out of town

  7. Dont dont need a lot. Italy is quite a open cultural place...if you dont know the language i am sure you will find someone that can speak a few words of english....but they will appreciate if you just dont go there and start to speak in english as you were in your country..some people find it not difficolt i think you wont find any strange "surprise" just be yourself and dont go there thinking to act in a way instead of other...and enjoy!

    ps In my opinion i prefer the east side of Italy,specially along the coast, but it depends on your taste

  8. While in Rome: Men should keep their wallets in the front pocket. Women should either not carry a purse or have one you can sling across your chest. I carried a small messenger bag and kept my phrase book, map and essentials in it. I saw an elderly woman's purse (fabric style) cut while in the metro right before the doors opened and the thief ran off with it. I also saw a woman sticking her hand inside another woman's coat pocket when the metro would bump. She never noticed. People kept patting my husband's butt on the metro. Don't know if they wanted his wallet or thought he was cute! We did notice none of these thieves were alone. They seem to be in groups of 2 or 3  and used their kids to help. Anyway, I left my hotel with enough money for my daily expenses or charged things to my card. I roamed the streets from 9am to midnight and was lost a few times but nothing ever happened to us. One time I was so lost I just walked into a hotel and called a taxi. There are a few beggars especially near the Vatican and they come right up to you -- sometimes with their babies. They are not Italian, though. Learn to use the metro or bus system and buy at least 2 maps that show the stops. You should confirm your itinerary each night for the next day in case you change plans. Leave time to just wander around because that's how you find the best restaurants/cafes, shops, and neighborhoods. Two words I learned were "farmacia" (pharmacy) and the word for bandaid is pronounced like chirokee. Take comfortable shoes and bandaids for blisters. Also, no shorts or mini skirts in churches especially the Vatican. No sleeve less shirts like tank tops either. Two favorite things from Italy is the gelato and music by Paulo Conte.

  9. Try the Lonely Planet (Italy) <*-*>

    these are informal phrases...

    ciao!- hello/goodbye

    buon giorno- good morning(actually translated to "good day")

    buona sera- good evening(but they usually start saying this after about 2 PM)

    buona notte- good night

    arrivederci- goodbye

    per favore- please

    grazie- thank you

    prego- you're welcome

    come stai?- how are you?

    scusa- excuse me

    Non c'è male.- not bad

    sto bene- i am fine

    che cosa ha detto?- what did you say?

    ho capisco- i understand(depending where you go in italy, though...some say ho capito instead)

    mi chiamo...- my name is...

    sono di...- i am from

    Parli inglese?- do you speak english?

    non parlo italiano- i dont speak italian

    non so- i dont know

    lo so- i know

    come?- what?

    Va bene- ok

    ho fame- im hungry

    ho sete- im thirsty

    ho freddo- im cold

    ho caldo- im hot

    Può aiutarmi?- Can you help me?

    Come si dice ____ in italiano?- How do you say_____ in italian?

    If you want to know more Italian phrases and about Italy check out this link.

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