
What to look for in a dacshund puppy part 2 ?

by  |  earlier

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went to look at a dachsund puppy last night, it was very playfull ran around like crazy loved to be touched and have it tummy rubbed, a few things i did notice, he had a large lump on the back of his neck where he would get injections or have a microchip, it was soft to touch but didnt go down after rubbing it, the guy said it might just be a reaction to the injections ?? he also had lots of white dandruff on his coat is this flees ? and he had a pot like belly or looked a little over fed is this worms ? his teeth looked ok all there and nice and white and quite sharp...the pup was about 9 weeks old...any advice....




  1. Require the owner to have a vet look at the puppy and sign a sworn statement that the animal is healthy prior to purchase.

    Without photos, we cannot tell you. Your definitions are vauge and nonspecific, plus, you may not be accurately describing them to the degree that they are.

  2. the bump could have been from its shots, its very common, nothing to worry about unless it doesnt go down after a few days.. the pup could just have dry skin, a good oatmeal shampoo will help also very common in puppies... as for the pop belly that is a sign a worms, but the breeder should have given the dog a dewormer medicine by now, nothing serious take it to the vet, they'll take care of it

  3. you just wait a couple days, and see if the huge lump goes down on the neck:its actually good if the pup had a vaccination(don't forget to ask:when was the pup dewormed) all pups have worms and have to be wormed like 2-3times.The big belly is a sign of worms, yes.

    Fleas are black,and having dandruff just means, maybe the person feeds a low quality puppy food.

    Is this a real breeder, who will give you registration or just someone who has a female dog and has a litter of pups.

    make sure, you ask for the record of vaccination, its a paper from the vet, with a date on it and the name of the vaccine!

  4. Puppies do sometimes have a reaction to injections which results in a lump - it needs watching in case it gets infected but it's not uncommon. If he'd just been fed he probably would have a pot belly - but it could also be worms.

    Most important: Did you see Mum interacting with the pup?

    Dandruff isn't uncommon with puppies either, it's just more easy to see on dark coloured pups.

    More importantly - did you feel you could trust this breeder?

    When you buy a pup, you should get the following as an absolute minimum:

    A written diet sheet.

    A written set of instructions telling you how Many times the pup has been wormed & when he needs doing again.

    Contact details for you to get in touch with the breeder

    A copy of the pup's pedigree

    Kennel Club Registration papers (no other registration is worth the paper it is written on, so don't be fobbed off!)

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