
What to look for in a dance studio?

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My daughter is starting dance and I have no idea what to look for in a dance studio. Suggestions?




  1. -professional teachers

    -good flooring(ask them, they will tell you) a sprung floor preferably

    -are the classes crowded?

    -how many classes do you have to take a week?

    -appropriate levels for each age

    -no 8-10 year old en pointe

    -sit in a class, are the students focused, or goofing off?

    -how much is tuition? how often do you pay for tuition? every 8 weeks, or once?

    -are the teachers correcting students if something is done wrong?

    are the teachers paying attention to every dancer, or just the prima ballerinas?

    -friendly teachers and students

    and most of all, make sure she has fun! no extremely strict ballet teachers...they make class horrible.  

    GOOD LUCK, i hope i helped

  2. Make sure your daughter has fun. If she doesn't, its not a good dance school.

  3. -very nice teachers with lots of experience

    -very good technique

    -plenty of classes to offer

    -classes for when your daughter gets older (to be challenged more)

    -make sure your daughter has FUN!!

    hope that helps!!

  4. -teachers with professional experience

    -studios that offer private lessons

    -times for classes

    -how long the classes are and how many your child has to take a week

    -the types of dance the studio offers

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