
What to make of this dream.... its really freaking me out.

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So...... two weeks ago I had a dream about this guy I had met while I was still in high school. We only hung out about 5 different times.... and he kinda had a crush on me I think.... I kinda liked him... but nothing ever came of it because I had a boyfriend and he moved down to Texas. We haven't spoken in well over 4 or 5 years. I dreamt that we were partying together at a bar and he was pretty much the main focus of my dream. I woke up the next morning with the dream still vivid in my head. It was one of those dreams you end of thinking about all day long. It really stuck with me.... and I kept thinking how weird it was to have a dream about him, considering I am now married and a mother. Well..... a few days ago..... I heard from a mutual friend that he had passed away from a heroin overdose. I asked when he had died, and my friend wasn't quite sure... but they had just heard that he had passed away. Well today his obit was in the paper (I would imagine it was in the paper so late because he no longer lives in our state)..... and the dream took place on the night that he died! I just don't know what to think about this..... and I am feeling really freaked out about the whole thing. Any thoughts on why I would dream about somebody I haven't thought about in years,,,,, on the night he passed away?!?! Please help me make sense of this.




  1. really really really really odd coincidence maybe?

    But d**n, that would totally freak me out too.

  2. i can understand how this dream could freak you out. it wouldl freak anyone out. researchers and scientist don't even know everything about the way the mind works yet. anything is possible. it couldl be that he came to you in your dream to let you know about him. to prepare pyou for what was to come. sometimes you just have that once in a lifetime psychic connection.we all have them at one or nother time in our life,whether we want to admit it or not. blessings to you.

  3. maybe you are a tiny bit psychic. dreams are random, if this is bugging you to death, tell a friend. It will help :)

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