
What to name friends baby?

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Ok my friend Aliyah is having a baby. She is only 14, (I'm 13) so at first, I was soo pissed off at her because I would have NEVER thought that she would have gotten pregnant. And she isn't telling me who is the dad. So I cooled off. And she told me that she is having a baby girl. Her name idea was LaCreyanna Jissell Jones and I hated that name. So I told her that I would name it. She wants a "ghetto name" but I can't let that baby go through a life having a crazy name, but I want it unique. So I need help with names.

I was thinking

Aiyenna (like Ayana but the ana part is enna)

Deyonni (dee- onni)

So I wanted to name her Aiyenna Deyonni Jones. But I don't know. Do you like the name?




  1. well having a baby doesn't make you an adult any more than just having s*x having s*x this young is illegal and dumb,ever hear of AIDS or HIV or any type of STDS???

    the smartest thing she could do is give this child up for adoption and stay her butt in school,keep her legs closed and not look to a child for a welfare check as easy money!!! no child deserves this for a life!! please children stop this kind of thing right now!!! life is too short if you start sleeping around at this young age you will be old before your man marries a w h**e or raises her b astards either so think of that and good luck!

  2. haha ghetto name? how about she name is something cute...

    love your name, thats cute

    what about? in (a-lee-ss)

    i always really liked that name

  3. your so selfish its not your baby its your freinds im 27 weeks pregant and if my friend wouldnt let me name my baby i would go mad how dare you you should be happy for her not take away the special oment of naming her own aby and as for her not tellin you who the dad is i see why she didnt you ovb want to take the momet of nameing her own baby you cant be a very good m8 i wudt tell u the father if i was her to sorry if it hurts but have a heart and allow her to name her daughter x x

  4. These names are cute and not too ghetto ...

    Braelynne .

    Jaila Aleigh or Jaila Alizae.

    Ammariah [Am-ma-rye-ah]


    Kaylynn Renee





    Akyrah Myah

    Layla Michelle

    Aeri'annikka [air-ee-ohn-ick-ah]

    Bre'janae [ not janayy but like juhnay]



    Te'a {tay-ah)



    Ellisia [ee-lee-see-ah]




    Alisha. [ah-lish-ah]




    Myah Lilly





    Kayla Kristiana






  5. I'm sorry but I cant say I like the name how about LaCrista Jesalyn or LaCrista Jisabel or LaCrista Michelle!!!!!! It is pretty but it is like LaCreyanna Jissel!!!!!!!! I also love the name LaCrista!!!!!! I started liking it when the yearbook had a miss print and it said LaCrista!!!!!!! I hope I helped!!!!!!!! I hope your friends mom dosnt mind raising another baby because that is usually what happens!!!!!!!!

  6. Ok, i really hope this is a joke.

    WHat do you mean she wants a Ghetto Name?It sounds like she think naming the baby girl is a joke.

    Here are a few name idea.....

    Alexa Michelle Jones

    Jaclyn Michelle Jones

    Nicole Michelle Jones

    Leah Michelle Jones

  7. how about

    Isabella Michelle Jones (Izzy)

    Amelia Michelle Jones (Mia)

    Leydi Michelle Jones (Lady)

    Alana Michelle Jones (Ali)

    Alexia Michelle Jones (Lexia/Lexi)

    Camilla Michelle Jones (Mily)

    they arent ghetto but they are cute enough, maybe she'll like them.

  8. Are you for real? God help us

  9. You can't name your friends baby! You can give her ideas but if she prefers LaCreyanna Jissell then she'll go with that!

  10. Will  she really let you name her child?!? That is a HUGE token of friendship, I think that naming your child is so personal.

    In latin they say 'Nomen est Omen'  which means very roughly translated means that the name is a big factor in affecting the child's life.

    Is the ghetto life the biggest aspiration your friend has for her child?!!?

  11. I don't really like that name.  How about Lexus, Precious, Dartell, Asya, Fantasia, Mercedes:D

    Tell your friend good luck:D

  12. Alia Jones is pretty

    Farrah Jones

    Shanwee Jones or Shawna Jones

    Mikayla Jones

    Dionne Jones

    Tina Jones

    Aeesha Jones

    To be honesy, I do not like your names any better

    It's her child, she can name it anything she wants

  13. Well one thing... you need to talk to her about having s*x Underage. It's illegal, you know.

    and secondly, i think your name is absolutely gorgeous, but you have to remember, its her baby, not yours... and if she wants to name it that crazy name, you can try to talk her out of it, but don't say, "No! You are not naming that baby that, I'll name it!" You have to say, "Well, that is a kinda crazy name, dontcha think?" But... I still think your name is pretty good.

  14. well its a heck of a better name than LaCreyanna, which sounds like a sexualy transmitted disease.

  15. Why does she intentionally want a ghetto name? I hope this is a joke. 14 is wayyyyy too young for a baby. I'm 29, have a great job, and it's still hard....Not that anything can be done about it now, but wow - why would she let her friend name the baby too?  

  16. First off, they are all horrible names.

    Secondly, if you're friend is letting you name her baby and is not telling you who the father is, then she is obviously too immature to be raising a baby.

    Why can't teenagers keep their leg's closed? s*x at a young age is not cool, and it's not clever.

  17. Nice name. Try using something that is easy to spell.

  18. What a joke.  You don't get to name her baby.  It's HER baby, and your opinion doesn't matter when it comes to what she names her daughter.  Sorry, but back off her.

    Oh, and no one WANTS a ghetto name for their child.  If this is the case, someone should seriously call CPS.

  19. Why not Giselle spelled like that instead of Jissell?  

  20. ghetto- a poor densely populated city district occupied by a minority ethnic group linked together by economic hardship and social restrictions

    Why would you want your childs' name to sound "ghetto"?

    This baby is already going to have enough trouble growing up with a 14 yr old mother...why give this child a name that will further- hurt this child?

    And in my opinion both names ( yours and hers ) and ridiculous!

    Aiyenna Deyonni Jones????

    Are you kidding?

    In what universe do you live?

    Aiyenna sounds like a prescription pill!!!

    Name the child something normal!

    I wish the best for that baby!


  21. whoa  first of all you are to young to be pregnant i hate the name and thats it

  22. the name u chose is spelled as ghetto as the first name sounds.

    how about Ayana Dion Jones?

  23. I don't like any of the names you or your friend suggested. I know it may seem like fun to come up with a really creative name at your age, but we're talking about a human being, not a teddy bear or a hamster. Consider the sake of the person who will be carrying this name around for the rest of her life. The name you choose will be on job and college applications, and if that name is Aiyenna or LaCreyanna, those with power over her life may think she's from a family of illiterate teenagers. You need to take this responsibility seriously. There are plenty of great names that go well with Jones which don't feature three or four vowels in a row.

    Just one example: Arianna Deanna Jones sounds nice, and it doesn't invite judgements.

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