
What to pack for fun at camp?

by  |  earlier

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So I know of the necessities I need to pack but I need things to do in break time and cabin time.... Like fun things... No electronics too..

Like nail polish and cards? I need like 15 things?

Also I am almost 14 and a girl... I would some to be just for me, some for my whole cabin, some with my friend i am taking.




  1. been there done that.. aw sad now i miss camp. anyway cards are great. umm.. nail polish is good too. magazines are nice. i snuck my ipod but thts just me. umm.. we also went to sleep during break.

  2. bring make up and hair assecories for mini makeovers,take a board game deck of cards or some dice,take a journal,post cards and such,star magazines,puzzle books

  3. 1. carsd (regular and uno)

    2. bring electronics anyways, just dont get caught

    3. a good book too read

    4. magazines with alot of quizes in them, you can all quiz eachother

    5. tape adn you can rip out pictures from the magazine and decorate the cabin! thats what we do

    6. go to wal*mart and buy gimp and teach everyone how to make lanyards.

    7. go to wal*mart and buy hemp and beads and make necklaces

    8. hairbands and you can braid eachotehrs hair

    hoep you have a good time at camp (:

  4. ya i had to go to camp too and no electronics which sucked!

    well u had a good start

    paper/pencil/markers/crayons/pens (anything for u draw really)

    ok that's all i can think of

    how bout hand games there u go

  5. Makeup: you can give each other makeovers

    Cards: play with any number of people

    Candy: some for yourself and its a good way to make friends too!

    a Novel: read in your spare time, and bring a booklight so you can read in your sleeping bag at night if you can't get to sleep

    Hair brush and accessories: you can do each others hair

    Mad Libs: always fun LOL

    Envelopes Paper & Stamps:write to your friends at home

    SuDoKu: do by yourself or complete with a friend

    Nail polish: paint your nails, but also bring nail polish remover in case you mess up

    Beads,Gimp, and hemp: you can make friendship bracelets for everyone in your cabin

    Magazines: Read and share

    Journal: write about things you did so you will remember fun times when you get home

    Have fun!!!

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