
What to pack when moving to Los Angeles?

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Hey, I'm moving to LA in less then 2 months.

I was wondering, what should I pack? I'm immigrating there, its not a trip so I need to have everything. Someone know a good packing list for moving?




  1. Air filter and gas mask spanish english dictionary

  2. Just put your favorite familiar things in a bag as you go through your daily routine.  Everything is available in LA, so what's most important for you to have is mementos.  Assuming you will be looking for a job, bring your best clothing for that purpose.  Bring your favorites, too, so you won't feel so cut off -- favorite shirt, etc.  Carry pictures from home (or a flash drive).

    In two more months, it will be getting into our chilly season, so bring a sweater or be prepared to buy one.

    You don't say if you are flying in, or if you are driving.  If, say, you are driving in from Canada, you can carry a lot more than if you are limited to just a couple of suitcases.  So without that information, I will say, just bring as little as you can get away with and go to a place like Target to buy household basics once you are here.  Travel light and let the adventure begin!  

  3. As an Israeli, you will see the weather is very similar to what you have at home.  Check out place to stay in Tarzana, Woodland hills, Oak Park.

  4. hey la is grt to chilll

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