
What to pay 14 y/o babysitter who's watching my toddler while we're both home but busy?

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We needed to clean out our basement, knowing it would take all day and a lot of focus, so we asked a girl from church to be with our 15 month old while we're down there. 10am-8pm (10 hours) and we live in NE New Jersey. She's here now and leaving in three hours, didn't state a rate. Her babysitting experience is watching her nephew often which she does for little $. What should we pay her?




  1. Since you said all of your focus was on the project at hand, between $3 to $5 a hour, although you could have gone elsewhere and had been charged $8 a hour at least.

  2. You asked a 14 y/o to babysit. Why should you pay her any less if you are home or not. If you were out with your husband on a date she has total responsibility of caring for your child. You are home trying to get work done, and I am sure that you are expecting the teenager to still be fully responsible for caring for your child. She should get what you normally would pay her or any other sitter.

  3. i think minumum,8.00

    but i think she should earn about 8.75 or nine

  4. Um.....I thought you were cleaning the basement? Are you feeding her? Are you coming upstairs on occasion to see them? I would give her 100 bucks for a 10 hour day.

  5. $50 is good. She will be busy with a 10 month old.

  6. You should pay her 50 bucks, $5 an hour. That's what I usually get.

  7. Well, since she was there for 10 hours(a lot for a baby sitter) and you should pay her about 6 bucks an hour. Give her 60$

  8. all u have to pay is about 5 bucks an hour its not like u went out to dinner ur still there youur child is 1 and a 1/2 and she 14 she shuld have a summer job any way

  9. maybe around 7 dollars an hour .

    or all together 50 - 60 dollars.

    or even 45 if you want, - with acess to your fridge whenever she wants - of chourse.

  10. No offense but I wouldnt let/trust a 14 yr old girl to take care of my toddler..I´d be worried about a girl that young taking care of my child..but should pay her some $30 because its not like she was home alone, YOU AND UR HUSBAND were there so its not like she was really taking care of your baby as a mother myself I´d say that $30 IS MORE THAN ENOUGH.

  11. $8/hr.

  12. At least minimum wage since you the adult didn't tell her how much she would be getting a hour.

  13. As someone who used to babysit a lot, I usually got paid 5 and hour.  Up until I could drive, then people recognized that I needed the gas money.  So I would say anywhere between 5 and 7 an hour would be fine.  Or you could just pay her whatever the minimum wage is in NJ.  It works.

    Good luck!

  14. She at least deserves minimum wage .. even if she does sit for her nephew he is a relative and may feel like she has to accept that pay.. it would be taking advantage of her to pay any less.. she has put a whole 10 hours at YOUR place, away from her own environment and having to pay close attention to your son who is at a very busy age.. You were able to complete a large and very needed task with little worry because she was there for you.. give her at least $50.00.

  15. The going rate for daycare plus a dollar for her to come to your house.  It might be easier just to a pay a flat rate such as 40 bucks. Where else is she going to work and get more money, unless its for more kids.

  16. 14 year? i wouldn't pay a 14 year old to watch my kids, even if i am home. that's extremely irresponsible

  17. Don't pay her 70-80 bucks! That's waay over. I am 13 yr old and I'd feel bad to take that much from you. 4-5 dollars an hour is fair because the usual rate is about 7 bucks. So because you were there, just take a couple dollars off.

    So all in all, she should get about $45 dollars.

    PS. everyone saying 80 is just trying to get u to pay her more and are prolly kids themselves to scam u to get that girl more money. be real and don't listen to them.

  18. $40-$50

  19. Why not pay her to clean out the basement instead. Or better still, watch the brat yourself and get the boy scouts in to give the basement the old once over. Apparently, to a 'job' they only charge a 'bob'.......

  20. $4.00 per hour.

  21. minimum wage..

    for CA its $8/hour.. so that would be $80.. that's a lot but she spent a whole day watching your child.

    so it depends.. if she did a good job.

    its up to you..

    babysitting rates though are through the roof.

    its like $10/hour and like $1 per additional kid/hour

    so that's expensive..

    idk. hope that helped

  22. You can ask what she charges, but I'd say anywhere from $50-80 sounds pretty fair.  More if she cleaned or helped out in other ways.

  23. I would say $40 or $50, some people are crazy you do not give a 14 y/o $80, and since when do you pay a 14 y/o $7-$9 an hour, I say like $3-$5 and hour is plenty

  24. i would pay her the same as you would a normal babysitter. just because you are home with her, doesnt mean that she isnt doing her best and taking care of everything. plus whats a few dollars to you compaired to a 14year old without a job.

  25. I would go with $40+......average it out hourly. Did she clean? Does the baby have a clean diaper? Look at the big picture and decide what you think will do.

  26. Wow! if it was an all day thing, I would pay her $100. It doesn't matter how old she is. She still has been taking care of your child ALL DAY LONG! Did she get any breaks?

  27. depends.. if your home... maybe $25-$45 a day or week idk because you can handle the tough situations if its necessary but if you constantly leave...maybe $50.

  28. i say sinse ur still in the house 35 but if ur good freinds push for a 40 -45 just becuse it took up a whole day of hers maybe even 50?

  29. Last I knew, the going rate for a babysitter was $6/hr, but most people I know round it up to the nearest $5 increment.

    Good luck!

  30. busy busy bees

  31. she'll be happy with $60-$70 and you should really thing about that or more because she dedicated her whole day to helping you guys

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