If protesting is so welcome there in London, then lets go there and party. Let us all demonstrate there everyday every night every second and at every inch in the city of London. Lets create havoc there. Lets protest about the British colonizing us for 100 years. Protest also for their involvement in Iraq. Free scotland too! what else. hmmm I remember the Indians sent letter to the Queen demanding 1 Billion USD for the citizen. Hah lets go to the palace and Protest about it too. Remember to shout it out loud there all night so that it would disturb the queen's sweet dreams. If not, she will not bow to the demand. Lets create havoc there in London come 2012 since they yearn so much about protest, brag so much about their free speech and boast so much about their human rights. See whether these Human Right activists will be there to bail you out from the British jail when you got caught and beaten up