
What to put in the subject line when requesting a meeting with your supervisor about resigning?

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I'm stuck. This Friday I will be resigning from my job. I have to send a request for a meeting with my supervisor in order to hand in the letter of resignation. I've been told that you shouldn't bring up resigning until the meeting, so I'm not sure what to put in the subject line for my request. Help!!!?!?!?




  1. simply say "meeting request"

    youre right, i wouldnt mention resigning. just say -

    I would like to request a meeting in regards to my position. Please let me know what date & time works best for you. Thank you for your time, I look forward to speaking with you

    Kindest Regards,


  2. Request a Meeting  

  3. "Request For Meeting" simply.  You can't put "resignation" in the title.  That would give it away.  Your supervisor will probably just accept the meeting thinking you have an idea about something or some sort of information.

  4. I would like to meet with you on Friday.

  5. Take this job and shove it....

  6. Subject: Scheduling emergencies

  7. Use only the date of the meeting-to-be.  For instance, RE: September 17th

  8. notice

  9. Meeting Request

    Subject: Personal

  10. Just ask if you can come by her office to discuss some concerns you have.  Title the email "meeting at (time) on (date)?"

  11. Use the day of the week you want to meet.

    Be as brief as possible. Two sentences. The first being the why. "I'd like to meet with you briefly to discuss a matter of importance."

    Then, end with the question so you make it easy for him to respond without having to remember what he is asking. A simple,  :What time can we meet Xday?" will work.

    Trust me. I do this a lot : - )

  12. Either don't include a subject line, or put something vague, like "decision" or the reason for your resignation like "performance evaluation" or " harassment", whatever.  good luck

  13. Keep it simple:

    Meeting Request


    I'm hoping for a few minutes of your time this coming Friday to discuss something important with you. Please let me know when you'll be available to talk.



    Or, you could just poke your head in his/her office and say, "You got a few minutes?"  That's what I did.

  14. RE: look here I quit ho

  15. This is a hard situation.  Could you just put "Meeting Request" in your subject line and then in the body say you would like to meet in person to discuss an important matter or say that a matter has come up requires you to meet with him in person.

  16. I'd keep it simple, something like "Meeting Request"

    Once you meet with the person, you can hand in your resignation.  Although if you're resigning on Friday, that's not much notice.  Most employers will expect at least two weeks notice.

  17. How about the truth - simply put "meeting request" as the subject line.

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