
What to put on a birthday card for my sister who is turning ten?

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My sister is turning ten tomorrow. I really want to make a special card for her. What can I include in it? She LOVES music, reading, and is a smart girl.




  1. ummmm..

       Happy Birthday!?

  2. look for quotes on turning ten and the number ten and include random pictures involving the number 10. I have done this in the past and the card was a hit!!

  3. I would get a gift certificate from Barnes and Nobles or a music store like Sam Goody or Walmart.

  4. One of the best cards I ever received was handmade by my cousin. It was an Anime or cartoon-ish drawing of me (full body head to toe). She drew me with the style of clothes I love, with things in the drawing that are me (so for your card you could draw your sister as a character with a music player/instrument & music notes around her, with a satchel of books, looking really cool or something).

    On my card my cousin had bought some cheap artificial hair extensions (the clip on kind) in my hair colour, cut it and glued it to my character's head. She then plaited a piece of brown & blond and stuck that over the other 'hair' for a unique touch. Also for the pants she cut up some old denim in the shape of pants and stuck that on, and some little beads for earrings.

    The card was white/cream paper originally glued to a cardboard backing, with the character cut out. She wrote the message on the back, and also punched a tiny hole at the top with ribbon through it so I could hang it on a doorknob or pin it somewhere. The whole card was about 6 inches tall. It was awesome & I've kept it.

  5. A quote from Paul Simons song Ten Years comes to mind,

    Ten years has come and gone so fast I might as well be dreaming....

  6. spell everything wrong like jsut wuntad 2 sai hapy burffday ad i luve u... with a picture of a dog (or her favorite animal with big lips and bright red lipstick...

  7. If I had a favorite book it would be about you.

    If I had a favorite song you would be the one singing it.

    If I have a favorite memory it's of things we did together.

    I am so glad that you are my sister.

    You make my life so fun.

  8. put a pic of a dog and put in a bubble that the dog is saying "however many times i bark is your age" (or something like that) then put "bark Bark Bark...." all over it, but make it faded behind where it says happy birthday and stuff like that ... hope i helped

  9. A lot of things have changed through the years

    But there's something that will always be the same.

    It's the special bond we share that keeps us close no mater where we may be.

    Happy birthday with lots of hugs and kisses.

  10. Tell her that you love her and that you will always be with her and write something funny. You said she loves music so get her a card that plays music when you open it.

    Hope this helps <3

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