
What to put on a money bridal shower invitation?

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.. so i have to make invitations for my sisters bridal shower.. and unfortunatley its a money shower...

I know of no polite ways of asking people for money... so i need help!

what is a nice cute saying to put on the invitation to let people know not to bring gifts...

(i know it might offend some people but my sister and her fiance have been living together in thier own house for 5 years.. they have everything they need... )

although not alot of people know of these kinds of bridal showers they do exist... they are called..

Money Tree Showers..

i just don't know what to write on the invitation..

please please help




  1. I can't believe things like that exist. Bridal showers have gone too far. Show some self respect. Refuse to be a part of this.

  2. You don't.  There is no polite way to say, "Oh, by the way, anything you might think to give us would be useless, so we'd rather you just bring cash".  You NEVER refer to gifts in invitations. If you do, then you're selling tickets, not inviting guests.

    If someone asks, you can mention it.  Usually people will ask where a bride is registered, and that gives you the opening to tell them that you're having a money tree.  It's still a bit gauche, since the point of a shower is to share the happiness with the bride, and give her help getting what she needs to get started -- if she already HAS everything and got started a long time ago, then that part of the shower is a bit obsolete -- but it is acceptable where stating entry fees up front in an invitation is not.

    <edit> No, poetry doesn't make something rude, polite.  I suspect you wouldn't say "awww" if you got a card saying, oh,

    "You'd better go get a basin

    'cause I'm about to bash your face in"

    for example.  Or what about getting fired?  I suspect any boss handing out pinkslips with cute haikus:

    "Yoor work is the leaf

    Sitting still on pond ripples

    We need better, sorry"

    ..would likely be getting a pink slip himself shortly.

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