
What to put on the floor so the ferret stops pooping on it?

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okay my ferret (Tyson,8 months old) uses a litter box but for some reason when he out playing he go's in the corner under my end table.i've moved the end table to another corner thinking it might just be that one corner but he fellows the end table what can i do? is there something i can i can put on the floor to make him stop? the other ferret i foster doesn't do this and she's not litter box trained she go's in cage where's there's litter in her




  1. Is there something you can put on the floor to make him stop?  YES...another litter pan!!  Your ferret will 'go' where it wants to go.  Nothing you can do to stop it.  If you don't want to be scrubbing your rug from here to the moon you will provide your little guy with extra litter pans.  :)

  2. well i think is love dat wat they use to tell me lol wat i would do is not take let her walk cause u would be clean dat up

  3. You could place a small corner litter box under your table, but if that wouldn't be very asthetically pleasing, haha.  Sometimes I use those little doggie training pads, or newspaper.  However, if you want her to stop, there are products for cats that you can spray in areas that you don't want them relieving themselves in.  Its very possible that this would also work for ferrets, although I have not personally tried it.  

    You could also just place a litter box in that room, somewhere more inconspicuous.  9 times out of 10, I'm sure he'll use it (although all ferrets have occasional accidents).  

    If you don't feel comfortable doing any of the above, just train him!  Ferrets are stubborn, but very smart.  Everytime you catch him relieving himself outside of his cage, you need to show him a negative reaction.  You can put him in his cage for a "time out", or scruff him and give him a gentle shake while saying "NO" very firmly.  Or both.  Just remember- you can only punish him if you've caught him redhanded.  If its an hour before you find his mess, then there's no way he will associate your punishment with his crime.  

    Now, you must also counter the negative with the positive.  Constantly praise him each and every time you see him relieving himself in his cage litter box!  Give him treats, pet him, let him out of the cage; make him feel like he's the best ferret in the world!  I promise he will eventually associate the cage litter box with treats and praises, and he will be using it regularly in no time ;)

    Good luck!

  4. Soft, cushy things, like towels, blankets, toys, anything. My ferrets weren't litter trained when I adopted them, and my cage was outfitted in  ramp, shelf and floor covers (by Little Feet Ferret Retreat [google it!]) and they have only been 2 missed poos in the almost 4 mos. I've owned them.

  5. put a cuddle cup where it poops. they will not use the bathroom on a sleeping area.

    They sell this at petsmart too. They also have a polka dot print I cant find a pic of

    Mine have pooped on blankets and towels outside the cage because it didn't  have their scent on it. put the cuddle cup in the cage get it all nice and ferrety and then put in on the p**p area.

  6. A cat.

  7. put the litterbox under the problem table.

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