
What to say about your child on a pre-k application?

by Guest57874  |  earlier

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We are trying to get our child on a certain school, but the application asks to describe our child. What are thet really looking for?





  1. I think you should ask your child what they would want people to know about them.  Write it from there perspective for something more creative than the usual applications that people submit.

  2. What's a typical day in the life of your child like? Does your child interact with others if so how? Does your child have a favorite toy, if so which one and why? Does your child have a favorite game or activity that you do, what is it? Brag on your child, but be honest don't pad the application it's preschool not Harvard!

  3. I bet if you let your child write that section in their own hand and words, they would definitely get in.

  4. I dont know like behavior maybe

  5. i think they really just want to know about your child haha i dont think there is much of a hidden agenda...but i would probably not tell him if he is difficult for whatever reasons...unless its something little like he has a hard time taking a nap

  6. Say what your child is interested in

    What abilities your child possess

    Your child's character - shy, cry baby, always smiling.....

  7. "After being accepted at a young age to Harvard Medical School, he decided he was not socially ready and it was simply, in his words, 'not age appropriate.'"

    Ok...don't do that.  

    I've never had to consider applications and decide which ones to accept, so it's hard for me to answer.  We always used the application as a guide to help us better understand a little about the child before we meet him/her.  So my only advice is just be honest.  What's his/her personality like?  What does he/she like to do?  I would write down my gut reaction about the child as far as some things I think of first about them.


  8. noramly that is just for the teachers use. If for example you put down your child is a great eater and during lunch he doesnt eat a thing. Then the teacher is going to start to wounder.

  9. What the school is asking for is an idea of how your child would fit in to their school.  They want to know if they are ready for pre-k.  They want to know if they are potty trained, how they are around other children.  If they have an interest in learning.  Well behaved and if they can sit still long enough and listen.   Those are the most important.  You could then include if they are artistic, articulate, and curious. Hope this helps.

  10. answer honestly, as if it was a job interview. That is what the application is just like a job application, but keep it simple

  11. They are looking for information about the child so they will know how to work with your child. His likes,dislikes, the more they know the better they will be able to communicate with your child.

    If you are not sure just ask the school why they need the information, they should tell you. In fact they should help you to complete the application so if you had any questions they would be there to answer them.

  12. I would use words like... inquisitive, compliant, orderly...etc.

    From a GT (gifted and talented) background I know they are looking for children who are independent learners...children who are guided easily, children who are resilient, adapt to change quickly.  Children who have an idea of current events.  

    Above all they are looking for children who are ready to learn.  Both physically and emotionally.

  13. are they interested in letters yet? numbers? can they talk in complete sentences? do they like to draw?

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