
What to say..........?

by Guest44931  |  earlier

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i have a good friend who has a 4 months old baby, she's a single mother ( kind of, the "boy friend" still come and visit sometime) and shes going back to work in 2 weeks,she's a music teacher. i've been telling her to apply for a child care since she was pregnant but she didnt do it for some she asked me if i could look after the baby. i dont know what to say, i have a 6 months old baby myself, eventho im planning on staying at home till my baby going to preschool, i dont think it fair for my baby (and my husband) for me to look after another baby at home, what should i say to my friend? she doesnt have any relatives in the city coz shes from other country ,




  1. Friend or no,she is grown up enough to have the baby, and now she should make other arrangements to have the child looked after, instead of abusing your friendship.

    You must be a very nice person, because people like her try to take advantage of your good nature

    My god what a cheek, you have your own family to care for, that's more than enough without looking after another persons child while they happily go of and live there life

    You are not responsible for her at all

    Just say very sorry but my husband and I have enough of our own problems to deal with, and I have been trying to to help you with this before your baby was born, there is no way can I give MY baby 100% of my time while looking after yours

    If that effects the way she is with you, then she was not the good friend you thought she was, to be honest my friend would not be so rude as to have asked me in the first place

    Sounds to me as though she wants her cake and eat it to without any worries for others

    You don't have to come from another country not to have manners and be thoughtful of others feelings

    Its time to be brave and put your foot down straight away, and nip this in the bud, otherwise your life will be a misery, that will effect your own family

    So stop feeling sorry for her, and don't give her an easy life on the back of yours.

  2. maybe its a good opportunity, become a babysitter, look after 2 or 3 kids, hopefully not all as young, you may need a licence and fire door etc but its a way for you to make money too...thats if you feel that you could charge her as she is your friend

  3. In some counties you can't watch her baby full-time without being licensed.  This includes relatives too!  (Check Clark County Nevada for more information)  Not sure if that is the case where you live, but it could provide you with a convenient excuse not to be able to watch her baby too.  

    Another option would be to watch the baby, but it would become a business deal.  Daycare in Las Vegas (in home or tradition) charge $180 a week to watch a baby for the first year.   It doesn't get much cheaper after the first year either.  I think my son went down to $165.  Yippee!  (sarcasm).  Draw up a contract with $180 a week and I bet she changes her mind.

  4. No - she has no qualms about imposing on you so just a straightforward no should do the trick.

  5. Just tell her that you have absolutely no time watching her baby when you have one of your own. You could suggest getting the boyfriend's mom to watch the baby. good luck!

  6. Why is she asking you if she knows you have a baby too? All you can do is just say you can't do it. She'll have to find someone else or pick other options. It's not your concern beyond that point.
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