
What to say to a varsity football head coach when he is showing loyalty to seniors.?

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My varsity football head coach is showing some loyalty and favoritism to the older running backs. I am bigger in size (height, weight), faster in speed, and as strong as or stronger than them. I also went to all the summer workouts and participated more often then the others. He continues to overlook me besides my success. What should I say or do?




  1. Nothing you can say will make a difference. You can try your best, and that is all you can do. If he truely favors seniors, then you will get your shot when you are a senior. It's possible that you aren't as good as you think you are, or, the older guys are doing things that you are missing, like hanging onto the ball, or blocking.

  2. Don't follow d nice's advice. If you do you may be riding pine for the rest of your career. Seniors usually get preferred treatment because they've been doing it for longer. But most important is they only have a year left. Then they're done. No college, no pros. They turn into the Al Bundy's of the world and just talk about the faded glory of their high school football years. Just practice tough and wait your turn. You'll get your shot at high school glory.

  3. say if you want this team to win you need to look deep in the roster instead of of watching these sorry seniors, I  have what It take Coach if you give me a chance

  4. You say absolutely nothing......

    What you have to understand is that these seniors are on their way out, and they have probably given that coach everything they had for the past 4 years,so they have earned that right to play.

    A football TEAM is not about how much stronger or faster you are then other guys, its about how well everybody works together. I'm guessing all of those guys have built up some sort of chemistry in the time they have been together.

    My advise to you is to keep working hard and showing your coaches that your ready to go when they need you. Your time will come, just be patient, don't put yourself before the team....  

    REMEMBER: you'll be a senior one day too....

  5. because they have more expernice happend to me to

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