
What to say to someone you randomly added?

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So what do you say to some Locally Random Guy you added on myspace?

I usually have no idea what Some one would even say back to them.

So what would you type in this situation?




  1. you seemed like a really cool i person and or i wanted to get to know u whats up

  2. Dude, i know where your coming from! I dunna, sound kinda casual in it, and say something that sounds like you dont do this all the time, and your not desperate, just a casual wus up... just say something mayby like, hey, you just seemed pretty down to earth, more than most on here atleast,;) so decided id just say wussup...  Or something along the lines of that, changing accordingly to "your" character, ya know! Good luck!

  3. say

    'hey, i added you'

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