
What to send to penpal in EUROPE??

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I'm sending my friend (who lives in Italy) a package for her birthday.

I have a flat rate box to fill and I have a book she wanted and some jewelry but I don't know what else.

Also I would like to include some candy... (not chocolate) Does anyone think that Wonka candy is good to send??




  1. I would skip the candy--most Europeans think that our candy is too sweet, and that our chocolate is horrible and waxy ("like a bar of soap!" an English friend once said to me). What about a magazine appropriate to her age and interests? some pics of you and your family? a souvenir from the town you live in? a copy of a few of your favorite recipes?

  2. Send her some souvenir typical for your town, state. I'd love f.e. to get some souvenir related to Indians and bunch of postcards ;o)

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