
What to serve at my son's birthday party?

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I've done so many of these parties that I'm drawing a blank. We're having the party at my mom and dad's house Sunday in the early evening. I need to serve an easy dinner. We have access to a grill. Looking to feed about 30 people. My mother in law is bring potato salad. I have to bring everything up there, so it has to travel easily. Was also wanting to keep it afforable. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, we have a pool, having fireworks and a bonfire. There are only going to be about 4 little kids, the rest are our friends. Please help




  1. make a huuuge paella. easy to serve, and just gotta heat it up when u get there.

  2. you need birthday cake for a birthday. burgers and hot dogs are cheap, also corn on the cob, veggie tray and baked beans are cheap. if there is only 4 kids, they should be fine with the normal picnic food, just have something fun for them to do, like water guns/balloons, volleyball, etc.

    i am a weight watcher, so i like to get involved in activities instead of pigging out on food. the more you have to do the less people will eat.

    have fun, good luck  

  3. If the weather is supposed to be beautiful, serve hot dogs & hamburgers.  They are cost effective and perfect for a party of 30 people.  You should be able to get everything you need (including the meat, buns, and fixings [ketchup, mustard, mayo, lettuce, onions, & tomatoes]) for just about $60.  You can use the grill and everyone will have a good time.

    Good luck and enjoy your party!

  4. hotdogs and cheeseburgers are the best! it might sound a little  boring, cause so many events have them, but mix it with some funky, kid-friendly sides. yum|!

  5. Do cocktail susages on sticks, Mini pizzas, Mini sandwhiches, Cakes, Susage roll...etc.

    Just generally party food.

    But not too much sugary stuff or the kids will be a nightmare :S

  6. It's Labor Day weekend--people are so much more relaxed about food on a weekend when they're trying to enjoy the last days of summer! I think you can really take the easy, affordable way out by buying hot dogs and hamburgers, bringing a big tray of pasta (pasta and broccoli, ziti, etc), a green salad, and maybe a grain-based salad (couscous mixed with vegetables or mixed with almonds and dried cranberries). Really, people are just going to want to enjoy the day and celebrate your son's birthday, try not to make yourself crazy.  

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