
What to take into consideration when Purchasing a DSLR?

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Would you recommend a fuji, canon, nikon, olympus or sony?

Should I go with the highest mega pixel count or take other features into consideration above the mega pixels?

i want to go a step above the canon rebel series, what are some suggestions?




  1. If you want a step above the Rebel series you are looking at the following cameras.

    Canon 40D

    Nikon D80 which is an in between model. Better than the entry level but not as good as the prosumer models.

    Nikon D300

    I would stick with Canon if you already have a Canon as it sounds you might because your lenses will work on the other Canon models. If you don't have a Canon then either Canon or Nikon would be the best choices. They are the only ones making professional level equipment now and have the most available lenses and accessories.

    The Olympus is a decent camera for a beginner but it has the smallest sensor of any SLR camera.

    Sony is not bad but they do not have as much to offer as Canon and Nikon.

    Mega pixels is kind of a myth. More megapixels is not necessarily a good thing. To many megapixels on a sensor can actually increase noise. Any DSLR camera has more than enough megapixels. The most important things that determine image quality are

    1. Lenses. The quality of your lenses is the most important thing. Even more than the camera body which makes little or no difference.

    2. Analog to digital converter. This is the inner working of you camera.

    3. Sensor size. The size of the sensor. Most DSLR sensors are about 15 times larger than point and shoot cameras.

    4. Finally mega pixels.

    When looking for a camera you should go to a good camera store and play around with them. The one that feels best in your hands is the camera you should get.

  2. the most important part of any camera is the photogrpaher. you have to know how to use what you have effectively.

    forget about megapixels. image sensor size and quality is much more important.

    there are some great reviews at

  3. I recommend Canon of Nikon!!

    Don't look for the highest MP becuse you really only need 5mp to print images over 8x10, sensor size has more to do with the quality and clarity of your images then mps do!!

  4. 1st thing to think about, over brand names is - your use for it and your background..

    The name brand is not a big issue to many. ALL these cameras deliver excellent images and have boo coo accessories, however, the playing field IS a lil bit skewed and I will explain.

    Nikon and Fuji D-SLR's... are basically one and the same. Fuji uses donor bodies from Nikon to make their DSLR cameras and take all the same accessories as the Nikon body does. However, Fuji uses their OWN chip and electronics, not Nikon's (who uses Sony chips). I found 9 years ago that Fuji had BETTER color than anyone at the time, and still do IMHO..! Their S-2 is still raved about on it's color and HDR.

    Now, Nikon has been around for a long, long time. Their lens mount, called the F mount has remained un-changed for half a century. Really..! With this in mind, any camera body with a Nikon F mount will accept almost ANY lens or accessory with the same F mount, and needs not to be made BY Nikon, just made to FIT a Nikon.. There ARE a few exceptions, so don't go twisting any ol' item onto a body with out checking 1st. What this means is, you have the worlds largest "data base" of used lenses and what not than any one. I hit flea markets and yard sales and sometimes find GONGA deals on 'something' that will fit only because they think it is "old" and of lil use anymore. The S-5 WILL take manual lenses as long as they are or have been AI'ed.. - and - - The lenses will now meter couple so you can meter your pictures via the cameras built in light meter but you will have to supply the focus power, by hand.. haha...

    The Fuji S-5 is basically a Nikon D-200 but in image quality it out performs it. The Fuji may not have the fastest # of frames per second nor the largest internal buffer, but it is a rare time where I need to - machine gun - something and take 10 frames in a second....!

    The camera IS a 12mega-pixel camera but many will debate this, but the fact is - it has 12 million of them lil suckers working for you to deliver a image un-like that of any others. You will have to read up on the camera and follow links about it's Super CCD chip..!

    Canon is another excellent choice. Not being a follower of such I can't quote much here other than they use their own lens mount and it is only Canon and anything "out there" fitting a Canon is fairly 'new' and not much in the way of deals will be found. Canon changed their lens mount a good # of years ago and shot them selves in the foot doing so. People who had thousands in lenses and accessories could now NOT use the newer bodies and saw their equipment's value go down the tubes..

    Olympus - another good "Old School" camera. If their using the OM-1 or OM mount you will or should be able to use some older used equipment on the body here too.. Check..!

    Sony - Too new to know but they use a mount only of themselves and not too many are jumping on the band wagon making lenses and accessories to fit, yet..! And, it may be a while too.

    Being a one time sales 'person' at a couple of Tucson's better camera shops I had the unique privilege of being able to compare makes and models - images too - side by side. Nikon's were always "red" and needed tweaking. Canons seemed cyan and again, needed tweaking. Fuji's were dead on from the camera and always have been. I played with a friends D-300 and HIS had a pink or red tint too.. Geeeze Nikon, what's up here..??

    Pixel count IS important, but it's the density on the chip that is even more important. My S-2, 3 and 5 can make mighty impressive 16x20's on my Epson 7600 wide format printer. I have even gone 20x24 that look - GOOD..!

    I know this is long but I hope it helpes.

    Bob - Tucson

  5. One step above the Rebel family is the new Canon 40D.  Is twice as fast (6 frames per second), self cleaning sensor, and other high end features that will place you on a Pro level for less than half the price.

    This camera gives you high end resolution as well as quality and reliability for about $1200 with stock lens (you can buy body only and choose your own lens)

    Good luck

  6. I would look up pros and cons  on them. Some times you type custmer review and it will tell you whats good or not and why.

  7. Megapixels are not the main concern.  

    I'd say the biggest concern is what lenses are available for the body.  Pentax, Canon, Nikon probably have the best choices for lenses.

    Canon 40D or Pentax K10D would be my top recommendations.

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