
What to take to get psyched up?

by Guest31620  |  earlier

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Hey there

im just looking for a drug i can take to get pretty angry for footy, so far i have come across "epinephrine"

Any other suggestions?

Please answer accordingly to my question. (with a drug name)






  1. Dude if you cant get pumped without taking anything, you do not have enough passion for the sport. Dig deep down, you'll find it.

    BUT.....if you can get your hands on some ephedra, take that, you'll get jacked up.

  2. i've sometimes overheard conversations about some guys taking Ambuterol before matches.

    i believe it's an inhaler drug. supposedly it opens up your lungs and gets the brain amped up. could be wrong tho.

    give a look, but be wary of taking anything too wild.

    a good cd mix can always get me going.

  3. Give the Haka a chant, you'll be plenty pumped up to rip someones head off! :) Either way you don't need drugs to get you pumped.

  4. i don't know whats in it, but i know of people who take a product called 'noexplode' befor a match....supposed to get you pumped!

  5. cocaine or steroids my friend.

    i myself take both :))

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