
What to think about mentally challenged kids?

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I've often heard adults say working with special kids is extremely that i think about it though, i don't understand what they mean? i mean, these kids will make little progress and it just makes you sad to watch them...can someone explain to me why the experience is so rewarding? thanks




  1. Special needs children are rewarding.  It takes them so much to accoplish the smallest goal and to help them do that is wonderful.  Not all special education children look funny.  My daughter is beautiful.  you wouldn't even know she was sped until she threw a tantrum.

  2. Often, you do see them make progress, and you know that trying to help them makes them happy.  To help someone, encourage them, and make them happy, makes you happy.  I find that pride and joy comes from helping kids with special needs.  To truly experience that feeling you should try it yourself.

  3. For one thing, any progress they make is huge compared to a "normal" child, as it takes much more effort on their part to accomplish it. In many cases, they have tender hearts and are just very special people.

    I have a special needs child and she has made my life so much more rewarding and special. I cannot imagine life without her.

  4. I am a Special Education teacher in Arizona and can explain why it is rewarding for most Special Education teachers.  Being a Special Education teacher takes a lot of patience and understanding.  We work with students on a daily basis to help them be successful.  Some students need a lot of one-on-one attention or small group instruction which is not given to them in a regular education classroom.  With the one-on-one attention or small group instruction we can focus more on the skills which a student is lacking.  For example, I have a 3rd grader who could not read at the beginning of the year; however, with the instruction he has been getting in my classroom he is now able to read from the 1st grade textbook.  The reward which I experienced was being able to watch the growth of this student.  He is now confident in himself and has started achieving other things we have been working on this school year.  

    To experience a special education student achieve something he/she has struggled with is very rewarding for the teacher.  It is also rewarding for the student because he/she gains confidence in his/herself.

  5. I happen to have and love a cousin who is mentally challenge. Although her brain cannot function like a normal child she is still loved just as a family would love any other child. Some people like to say that mentally challenged people are angles. Maybe you believe that, or maybe you think that's crazy to believe. I think its rewarding because the majority of people have good hearts, and with our good hearts we find it rewarding to help or work with someone in need. But then again what do I know I"m only 17.

  6. I think those that raise them are VERY brave... i have heard it is so hard and rasing three 'normal' children is a challenge some days for me!

  7. They dont have to make "little progress" these kids manage to over come a h**l of a lot more than the average person.

    Just because they have difficulties doesnt mean that they cant go far.

  8. o

  9. Both the handicapped child who is trying to learn, and the earnest teacher who is trying to help him learn are working diligently toward a common goal.  Some of these children put a truly awe-inspiring amount of effort into achieving a goal that brings him only one step closer to being like his "normal" age peers, but will also bring him great feelings of satisfaction and may also bring significant benefits to the quality of his life.  This is emotionally satisfying and inspiring to the learner and the teacher.

  10. i think they are mentaly challenged

  11. It doesn't make you sad to watch them. The reward is learning to take joy is small accomplishments. Their small accomplishments are enormous to them. You learn to appreciate life in the moment. There are always going to be tomorrows - so why not just enjoy today while it lasts. If you are lucky, you come to a much fuller appreciation of the life you are given.

    I used to teach disabled kids and then I decided to adopt - a son with Down syndrome.  He is the joy of my life. I cannot imagine that any mother on earth reaps more rewards than I do.

  12. It takes a special kind of person to do that work and I give it up to them.  I have enough trouble with kids that arent "special"

  13. It is rewarding.  These children actually want to learn.  They try hard.  I love working with these children.  True, many don't make the same progress as you or I would, but the progress that they do make are not just progress -they are milestones.  

    There are so many people that don't want to work with these children because they think that the job is not rewarding.  That is why is rewarding for the people that do have the skills and the courage to work with these children.

    As a sibling with a handicapping condition, I find it so wonderful that there are people out there to help those who are less fortunate than they are.  I am a special educator.  I feel rewarded all the time by my student's progress because it takes special skills and open mindedness to teach these students.

  14. I was at Man Fu Tong last month for a charity event. I learnt to appreciate life more and my visit ther has again reminded me not to take things for granted.

    We do not feel the challenge when we have everything provided and done for us. It's as simple as drinking water from the straw, we take no notice of this daily simple gesture but it takes extra effort for the disabled and mental challenged person. I was at a disables home and Milo has to be diluted and cooled so as not to choke the boy. He doesnt drink from the straw. I literally have to hold the straw and release the Milo at the tip drop by drop. Just because he was a little less fortunate, born with a deformed structure, hence requires aid when sitting up.

    I guess it would be more rewarding if you can find time to drop by one of the homes to find out what is really means.

    The aged is so so thankful when you merely helped them with their wheel chairs. We wont realise it when we have the energy and gift of a good heath.

    So today when we do our threadmills, thank the one above for our blessed LIVES!

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