
What to to when a hairstylist does a REALLY bad job????

by  |  earlier

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I had my hair cut and color not the way I asked for... Instead of light brown to match my natural hair color the lady dyed it really dark broen with black streaks!!! the hair cut is horrible too....

Can I sue them? Or ask for a refund...redo?

So far I didnt do anything except pay over 100 dollars and leave shocked....





  1. Go back and tell the shop owner and the stylist you're not happy.  Ask them to fix it.  

  2. Go back to the stylist and explain it to her. hairstylist do not want to loose clients so they want to make you happy. but be nice about it because she/he does not have to do it if they do not want to. an no you cannot sue them becasue they did ruin you hair like make it fall off or feel liek wet noodles (it happens). but like i said walk in there politely and tell them what you dont like and they are always ready to make a client happy so go for it. Do Not be rude liek that girl up there said. they Do Not have to redo it if they dont want to.


    as for talking to the manager it all depends on what kind of salon you went to. if you went to one where you paid the stlist herself then the manager cant do anything because that stylist in an independent contractor who rents a booth at the owners salon so there fore the manager has no say on what to do. but if you paid at the desk (if you paid with a credit card you might have gone to the front but doesnt mean she not independent) then you can talk to the manager. so call and ask first if the stylist is independent or not.

    sorry this happened, but it does happen. it will be fixed as long as you hadle it correctly.

  3. your mistake was leaving without the problem being fixed...i'm not sure about what can be done now, unless you have a receipt (but without a solid whitness to the event a receipt will most likely do no good). now if you have gotten your hair done at this salon by the same hair stylist several times or are known well by others who work there you could possibly use any connections that you have to get your hair done the right way by someone else. if you go back within a week they really should be able and willing to fix the problem...if that doesnt work call a lawyer and see if they have any advice :)

    good luckk!

  4. This has happened to me too exactly like you described. I was really unhappy. I just washed my hair everyday with a strong shampoo like Head and Shoulders to strip some of the color out.  

  5. Go back to the salon and ask to speak with a manager tell them what happened like, "I was afraid to say anything and once i got home and gave it a good look i realized i can't live with this hair" they will probably give you a redo free or a refund.

  6. Ask for a refund,and if that doesn't work....

    Call your lawyer.

  7. The first thing you should have done would be to voice your thoughts to the stylist so he or she would know your disappointment. You must let him or her know that it is not what you wanted at all and that you do not feel comfortable paying if the color did not come out like you wanted it. Color is a lot easier to correct than a cut. And if it is a good stylist, he or she would offer to get it right. Now the cut would not be as easy to correct. As it happens, stylists are not perfect and there are a lot of hairstyles that come out less than perfect.

    You cannot sue for hair that you are not pleased with. It did not fall out or anything. You could ask for a refund or a redo for sure. I would expect at the very least for he or she to do it again for no charge. That is just good service. Considering that you said you left shocked, it may be too late for him or her to care since you did not push the matter before you left that day.

    You may have to suck this one up and learn for next time. But I would still request a redo (in person, since it's harder to refuse accommodation in person) because you never know. He or she may be willing to keep you happy to preserve his or her reputation.

    I hate to hear this happened to you.... Good luck!

  8. ask for a refund the salon should be more than willing to fix your hair cut for free

  9. sue em nd get it redun 4  free

  10. go back and demand that they fix it, because you're not happy with it.

    and make sure the do it for free.

    be stern and be confident.

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