
What to use to get rid of acne caused by hormones from cysts?

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I've had ovarian cysts for sometime, and one of the most annoying things is the acne. I am 26 but am tired of this, it makes me look 17. I use Clean and Clear everyday to wash my face and the astringent in the morning. Any suggestions? Every time I get a cyst my face breaks out.




  1. So, I'm guessing that you were officially diagnosed with PCOS, correct?  I was diagnosed with it as well as my sister.  Her doctor prescribed her glucophage and she's seeing a difference already.

    Typically, when you have PCOS, there are several meds that can be prescribed to help you keep everything in check - metformin and glucophage are probably the most common.  A good doctor can check your blood work to see what meds what balance you out best.  

    I would recommend a great gyno instead of a family practice doc.

  2. go to your doctor and ask about accutain. your doctor wont want you to take it but its the only thing that got rid of my acne. it took 5 months, but seriously it's worth every minute

  3. I know that there is alot of home remades that can get rid of it!  I don't know all of them, but one of them is putting hand sanitizer on your face, but there is a site on the internet you can look at!! I would google it!! Good Luck and God Bless!!!

  4. A ten-year acne sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my acne condition in 3 days the natural way, saved myself from further scarring, and stopped wasting my money on expensive medications and over-the-counter products!

    For, More Information,  

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