
What to use to wash babies?

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what detergent should i use to wash my babies clothes?

My friends use Dreft, what do you use? I read that the doctors said anythings fine?Thanks to all!




  1. My pediatrician told me just to use any detergent that I wanted...but buy the fragrance free, dye free versions.  It will save a bunch of money!!

    Good luck!!

    (P.S.  I DID use Dreft until he was about 8 months old...then switched.)

  2. I started out with Dreft, which is awesome if you have the extra money to spend on laundry soap. It smells great, and it won't stain the baby's clothes like certain liquid detergents will (I am mostly talking about the liquid detergents that are blue... I have had problems with them :()

    However, after the Dreft ran out that I had received as a gift and it was time to buy some for myself, I got price shock! Ever since then, I have just used the dye-free, scent-free laundry detergent in whatever brand is on sale (I am currently using the 3x concentrated All brand), and it has worked just as well! My daughter's clothes haven't smelled like Dreft, obviously, but now I wash all of the clothes in the unscented soap, and I don't have to worry about an allergic reaction anymore.

    I would definitely suggest using any unscented laundry soap, and just using laundry softener or dryer sheets that are lightly scented (although I would still suggest buying a smaller size first to make sure your baby isn't allergic to them so you don't waste money!).

    I don't know if it is just my baby, but my daughter was allergic to Surf brand detergent (it is a Wal-Mart store brand, if I'm not mistaken). It was when I was still washing her clothes in Dreft, and her face and arms were constantly red and spotty. It turned out that when I switched laundry soaps that her rash went away! I felt horrible for exposing her to that for so long.

    Good luck on finding something that works for your whole family!

  3. you're going to pay extra for all of those brands that are marketed for baby, and its not necessary.  any LIQUID detergent, that is both dye and fragrance free will do just fine for baby's clothes.  remember no powder detergents (they don't rinse as well), no fabric softener or dryer sheets.  good luck with baby!

  4. When my kids were babies I was using an organic detergent and low sudsing and just washed them in with our clothes.

  5. im surprised they say that anything is fine, i would use the baby purex, its called baby soft, very good, they also make unscented ones, you can use any that are unscented, and for sensitive skin,

    but baby soft by purax smells sooooo good.

    ive never heard of dreft, but i live in canada, so maybe we dont have it here.

  6. My sister has a Kid.

    She uses Tide because the Frangrance is soft as well as the product against your childs skin.

    Hope i could help =)

    [♥] Destini

  7. For very sensitive babies, I recommend baking soda in the wash and vinegar in the fabric softener slot or in a fabric softener ball. Neither will cause allergies and work just as well as detergent. Plus WAY cheaper!

  8. It depends on if your baby has sensitive skin.  I used Gain, cause that's what I bought.  You don't actually have to use the baby detergent as long as baby doesn't break out.

  9. I used Dreft for all 3 of my babies and plan to when I have my 4th. It does make a difference on the softness and it has a milder smell. A babies skin is so sensitive that a harsh detergent can cause the baby to have  a rash on his/her shin. I would definitly use dreft atleast the first 6 months. Then use a regular detergent.

  10. People swear by Dreft, I tried it.

    I just use regular liquid detergent and skip the softener/bleach because my daughter and I have eczema. Even with sensitive skin it works just fine.

  11. dreft or ivory snow... I used dreft a million years ago, didn't have any problems

  12. I use 7th generation baby. Detergents, harsh handsoaps, shampoos, conditioners and body soaps are toxic to our ground water, no matter the amount of water treatment. I use the 7th generation baby because not only is it a 'green' laundry soap but is void of all perfums, harsh chemicals and is hypoallergenic! My son had bad reactions to almost all the baby laundry detergents.

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