
What to wear and bring to paris?

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I am going in February. What should i wear (shirts, coats, jeans?, shoes) Whats the weather like and is there anything specific I should know before i go?? Thanks




  1. Paris is similar to the weather where I am near Amsterdam (plus I have been there many times in all seasons)

    Basically it can be cold depending on what you are used to.  Snow is rare but can happen, and equally it can be cold but very sunny as well, but it is rain that you will encounter the most.

    So I would say jeans & shirts are fine. Take layers so you can adjust to the temperature easier.  Then make sure you take a coat that is waterproof and same for shoes.

    Paris is a great place to go shopping, and the French are very chic, well dressed and impeccably groomed, so don't pack too much, leave some space in your suitcase and then you have the perfect excuse to shop!

    Bon Voyage and have lots of fun

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