
What to wear next weekend in Rome?

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Ahhh, I hear the weather is quite humid now!!!!.. I am spending a few days in in Rome ( 4)..I checed the meteo for the local forecast, yet was wondering if I should be able to get buy with a few knee lenghth skirts and tank tops/dresses

Going to all main attractions and Florence for a day.

Will I survive without wearing a tank top and shorts?

Any advice would be appreciated ...I just want to dress in a respectful manner, yet stay cool in this heat =)

God bless and thank you !




  1. Ciao!

    I live in Rome.

    It is hot here, but in these past few days it has cooled off a little bit.

    Do pack your knee length skirts and tank tops, HOWEVER, bear in mind that you may need to cover your shoulders in most of the churches.  A light scarf will suffice.

    If your skirts are lightweight enough then you won't need your shorts, which are usually unacceptable for entering the churches anyway.  I much prefer a gauzy cotton skirt to shorts anyway, I think it's more comfortable in this heat.

    It is pretty humid here.  I use a lot of powder to help me keep cool.  I put it behind my knees, in the crook of my elbows and on my neck and I find that helps a lot.

    I think having a sun hat helps too.

    I also recommend that you see the sights that have closing times during the day, then do as the Romans do; have lunch and take a nap from around 1:00 to 4:00 during the hottest part of the day (lots of the churches are closed then anyway.) then do your wandering at night after dinner.  Rome by night is fantastic.  It's delightfully cool, and you will be surprised at how many people you will find on the streets and in the piazzas.

    You may want to bring a lightweight sweater or shawl, just in case.

    Here is a pretty good website for the weather forecast.  I'm sorry it's in Italian, but I've found that Yahoo! Weather isn't very reliable.

    Sereno means Warm and Mild.

    Sole e Caldo means Sunny and Hot.

    Vento means Wind.

    Venerdi means Friday --and I'm sure you can figure the rest out from there.  ;-)

    And Now for some Unsolicited advise, but I would like to include some Pracitcal Tips for this city.  Forgive me if you already know this, but I think it's stuff that everyone should know.

    1> Carry tissue with you everywhere.  Generally you won't find any when you visit the restrooms in restaurants etc...  Although Italy is amazing, it does have some of the worst public bathrooms I have ever experienced.  (The Italians think the rest of the world are barbarians because we do not use bidets, however, the state they keep their public bathrooms in can sometimes be appalling.)

    1a> If you do need a bathroom and there are none to be found, go to any BAR, they always have a bathroom for customers.  Order something small, an espresso, or juice or tramezzino (little sandwich), or even just a glass of mineral water.  Usually the places where you get "pizza a taglio" (cut pizza, or "by the slice") do not have bathrooms for customers.  I don't know why.

    2> Always keep a watchful eye on your purse and wallet when on the subway in Rome.  (and I can imagine this applies to public transportation in the rest of Italy too.)  Pick-pockets can always spot a tourist and often prey upon them, unfortunately.

    3> You will eat VERY well in this country, however, it is advisable to avoid restaurants in some of the more touristy areas.  The food is overpriced and usually poor quality.  (Right next to the Vatican Museum and Piazza della Signorina in Florence are 2 places where I have had some of the worst food in Italy.)  Try to find smaller "hole in the wall" types that usually attract Italians, rather than tourists.  That said... Almost all of the restaurants in the Trastevere district of Rome are fantastic and it is well worth the price to get indulge in a drink at Cafe Florian in San Marco Square in Venice.

    4> Often (but not always, so it is generally advisable to check ahead of time) churches, attractions and shops close from 1:00 to 4:00 Monday through Saturday.  Shops and Stores are almost always closed on Sundays, especially in some of the smaller towns.

    5> Bring at least 2 pairs of _really_ comfortable shoes so you can switch off.  Switching shoes every day really helps your feet from getting too worn out.  You will be doing a _lot_ of walking.

    6> Sunscreen is expensive here.  Bring some from home.

    7> Pack light, it is way too easy to find loads of great fashions and shoes etc... here.

    I hope you have a wonderful time in this beautiful country!

  2. wear a light color halter top dress with some sparkles on it.

  3. Lets see, its been in the mid-nineties lately so bring your sunscreen and some Euro for bottles of water.  If you really want to wear shorts get the kind wear you can zip bottoms on them to make them pants, the churches (especially the Vatican) have a very strict Dress code about covering your shoulders and legs.  Don't worry about blending so much, walking around Rome its always really easy to pick out the Americans no matter what we wear.  But don't worry!  Italians love tourists (well, our money anyways) and they are very polite and, if they see you're American, may make an effort to speak English to help you out!

  4. I just came back from Rome last week and was warm.  Wear light cotton clothes.  

    If  you plan to visit or stop by any of the Cathedrals or the Vatican, they are checking to make sure your shoulders are covered by your shirt or bring a light shawl.  If you don't have one, you can buy them fairly quickly in local stores.

    Also, your knees should be covered....some of the latest Cargo pants were cool and just long enough to cover knees.

    Have fun, stay cool.

  5. Try layered clothing, a little mix of everything. Bring something that would be applicable in most weather conditions: ie, sweaters of a light material or a simple Merino wool sweater, now called "smart wool". A jacket with a zip out lining. Some jeans and perhaps a shoe whose flaps open to cool the heels. They can be had at most fashionable stores. Bring along at least two tank tops, cutoff pants (2pr), other clothing can be purchased overseas. The weather changes, so be prepared for humid and cooling nights. For weather, most internet cafes, www.accuweather. com or mobile alerts from Yahoo!, MSN or AOL. Make it simple, make it fun. Have a safe and fun filled trip.

  6. I think you're on the money. I wish i could go with you, A Nice Summer dress or short jean skirt and cute White top dam your hot....

  7. When in Rome, dress as the Romans. No, really, I'm serious. Who else knows how to dress to offset the heat better than the people who live with it.


  8. Well,we had a terrible heat wave last week but now it's over.We expect another one for mid July.These days it's not too bad but still quite hot.Just pack with something cool and comfortable but I guess you won't suffer too much for the heat.

  9. just an idea in white and in the strawberries

  10. Whatever you do don't wear jeans because first of all you will be hot, then you are gonna sweat on the legs and even close to your areas and it will be very itchy too but you wont be able to itch there much because you will be in public and its hard to itch when you are wearing jeans.

  11. wear whatever goes...but when looking at the mirror you should see you not a sl*t or a wh**e

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