
What to wear on a loooooooooooong haul flight?

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I have a long haul flight coming up (around 27 hours) and I can't decide what to wear in the plane. I know, I know "No one will care what you wear in the plane!!!", but I care, and having made this trip before, I've found that if I can find an outfit that's both cute and comfortable I feel much better about myself at the end of it (particularly since I'm going it alone). I have a huge tote that's perfect for the plane (sorry, no picture as I found it at a local handicrafts store in Asia). The tote is hot pink, black and gray and I would like the outfit to match. So what would you wear?




  1. For starters, a lot of moisturizer. Planes are very dry. 27 hours means you will sleep so I highly recommend some stove leg pants that are not too tight around the waist and any color wrinkle free top. If you are comfortable wearing jeans, a nice pair of wide leg jeans in a dark color are classic and comfortable. For foot wear, I would wear a pair of flexible ballet like slippers. I have a great pair from Aldo that actually feel like slippers. Oh and socks... your feet will get cold on a plane. Finally, bring a cardigan sweater (black?) so that you can stay warm on the plane and remove and store it easily. Hope this helps.

  2. Find a track suit/warm up (terrycloth or velour) that's black or gray and pair it up with a hot pink tee. If you get a track suit - you'll also have a jacket in case you get chilly. It will be loose and not binding while you sit for so very long...  Comfy shoes that are easy to slip on and off too ....Man that is one long flight!!! Have a great trip!

  3. grey running pants/stretcy dress pants/yoga pants - cotton and slightly stretchy- flattering and comfy- and for the top- a pink tank top- with maybe a black cardigan- very classic and very comfortable- you could even bring another outfit in your carry on- since you'll be kinda droopy once you get off the plane- and EVERYONE smells stale after that long of a flight- pack a mini deodorant and see if you can go to Sephora and get the spray facial invigorators- like a misting mosturizer- helps make you look fresh on the plane and keeps you cool and clean feeling. also bring yourself some wet ones- the last international flight i went on they turned the AC way down and it got all stuffy and sticky- the wet ones were my only hope to not roasting or wilting. and be sure to bring your own snacks and an energy drink of some sort- you can only sleep for so long and airline food nowadays is horrid. best wishes!

  4. I care about what I look like on the plane, too - even though not many people do anymore. It is possible to be cute and comfortable. Here is my suggestion for an outfit:

    A cute shirt, your most comfortable pair of blue jeans, and - you guessed it -  comfy ballet flats. Substitute your bag for the one in the picture, of course. :)

    I'd also bring some compression socks (it sounds old and granny-ish, I know, but they do help) to keep your legs from getting fatigued. Just wear them on the plane, and you can take them off once you land and stuff them in your bag. Also, I recommend some facial moisturizer, since (as you well know) your face really gets dried out on those flights.

    I hope that helps. Have a great trip!

  5. I would wear something comfortable like a running outfit with the same colors that are in the bag. Airplanes can be cold and stuffy. if it a 27 hour flight you will want to be in something that is loose fitting and warm. Pluse you will be sleeping on the plane

  6. My sister in law, who went to Germany, wore travel clothes from Orvis.

    She got 3- 4 piece outfits, Jacket, top, pants and skirt. All wrinkle free and comfy to wear on the plane. all cotton knit. Casual clothes, but with the right jewerly, you will still look professional.

    She pick up Orvis clothes on ebay

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