
What to wear on an interview?

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I always wear a full suit to an interviews however, what do you wear when it is extremely hot outside? Does the suit rule still apply? (I'm a female if it matters). I just don't see how I will be able to not sweat to death with a heavy black suit coat on over an already stifling long sleeve button up shirt. Do I just have to suck it up or is there some unwritten rule for summer interviews that I don't know about?




  1. Suit/Jacket rule always applies.

    Although a black suit may be a little too much, although you can just put the jacket on when you get inside.  

    If you can afford it, buy a light weight jacket - white or black go with most everything.  Most big stores have some really inexpensive options.  

    Oh - and make sure it's clean.  yech.

  2. No, a suit is still the best, if not only option. There are many suits out there these days in light-weight materials as well as light colors. Further, there is no need for a woman to wear long sleeves under the suit jacket. Since you probably won't be taking the jacket off, you can wear something without sleeves or a t-shirt or a camp shirt, which is like a button down shirt with short sleeves. With some suits, women don't wear any shirt underneath. Also, be sure not to wear open-toed shoes to an interview. Good luck!

  3. XD  i just got out of one of my interviews too and it's 97 degrees outside! Lol. Anyways, this is kinda what i wore.

    ---The shirt (pic of it) :

    ---The shoes (pic of it):

    --The pants (pic of it):

    I hope i help u ♥

  4. what kind of job is it for??  If it is a corporate or banking job. just take the jacket with and put it on when you get there.

    Otherwise I think that a nice skirt and blouse are fine, even short sleeved, but not sleeveless..

    hose and nice shoes still required, but again, you can slip hose on in the bathroom at a nearby coffeeshop!

  5. maybe wear a light colored suit! but i wouldnt know if there was some other rule for summer interviews! wear like a brownish tan skirt and suit top! thingy! sorry

    Well Good Luck anyways!!

  6. You still need to wear a suit. Buy a more weather friendly summer suit. Get a light weight jacket and pants set. You can wear just knee highs with that.  Wear a short sleeved shirt under the jacket too. Weather never should be a factor in dressing appropriately to an interview.

  7. Sadly the suit still applys. cause it akes the erson look presentable!

  8. you should wear a nice pair of Bermuda Shorts or a skirt and a nice dressy top instead of that because with the weather this summer you would pass out but i'm not really sure what you should  do

  9. Dress casual, slacks or skirt and a nice conservative summer blouse should be fine

  10. How about a dark colored pin stripped skirt with a matching jacked which you do not put on until after you enter the building/nor take off till after you go and sit down for this interview. Also wear a white or blue colored blouse for a top (which will go with the white pinstripes on the suit/skirt). So you will for formal, dressed for the weather and not dressed to dark because thats too gloomy and not too bright because you dont want you outfit to take away from who you are.

  11. You have to suck it up. sorry, i've been through the same thing.

    You don't have to wear the jacket while you are outside, get there early enough so you can stop by the restroom and pull yourself together.

  12. Dress somewhat casual, but wear light color clothing. I would wear khaki slacks with a mint green shirt. Depends on the job you're applying or interviewing for.

  13. Skirts are always an option. And you can wear a short sleeve top under your jacket.... Also look into a short sleeved jacket for the summer

  14. There are summer suits......

  15. Wear a suit, yes, but try finding a coat that isn't so heavy.

    Also, tie your hair up so your neck won't sweat.

    Wear a ton of deodorant and DO NOT wear black tights.

    Not smart.

    Also, when you're leaving for the interview, I'm sure it won't be outside, so quickly hop into your car, turn your aircon on HIGH, and drive. As you get out, quickly run into the building or wherever so you don't burn to a crisp.

  16. Hey, s***w it. Wear long, sagging and faded jeans with gaudy designer signatures all over the legs, embroidering in neon colors, atheletic shoes with the laces untied, baseball cap tipped to the side, heavy gold chains, and your boxers sticking out, a long tee shirt to the knees (white and cheap-looking)...

  17. why not a pencil skirt and a nice light blouse, short sleeved.

  18. Invest in a classic, summer-weight skirt suit and a sleeveless silk blouse. Carry the jacket to the interview and have a makeup bag in your purse with blotting papers, powder, and mascara (in case it runs and you need to reapply). Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated, but make sure you pee before the actual interview (get there early!!!).

    On a hot day like today (it's 93 here in Chicago), you can skip the stockings and even go for some peep-toes pumps to show off your summer pedicure.

    Just be sure that you look clean, classy, and put-together.

  19. were clothes

  20. Wear a knee length skirt and short sleeved blouse. Take a suit jacket with you. As long as you dress smart and not in jeans and trainers you'll be ok. It's a first impression thing, after that you need to wow them with your personality and credentials.

  21. lol no u dont have to wear a suit just look nice and proffesional and presentable ..u can do that with clothes that you wont die of a heat stroke in

  22. ur good, as long as u wear clothes. u kno people sumtimes get affended when u dont wear clothes.

  23. Find out who your interviewer is and camp outside their house.  See what they are wearing that day and try to get the exact same thing, except wear one additional accessory.  Then before the interview starts offer them that one thing that their outfit is missing.

  24. Dress appropriate but not that your going to die of heat

  25. When going to interviews, I've just worn a blazer over a short sleeved top and a nice set of dress pants. I've also worn a nice, professional-looking shirt (like a light, long-sleeve blouse or sweater).  Keep in mind, it will probably be cooler in the building where you are going for the interview. You can always strip when you get back outside! I think a short-sleeved blouse would be ok too, just make sure you look well-groomed and professional and I don't think they will mind too much! Good luck!

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