
What to wear while grooming a horse and cleaning tack?

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I start a new job tomorrow at a farm up the road and I will be grooming horses and cleaning tack. I live in southeast Louisiana, so needless to say it will be very hot. I assume I should just wear jeans and rubber work-boots with a tshirt, but I am wondering if it would be ok to wear shorts and old tennis shoes?? any help is appreciated! thanks!




  1. Jeans, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes are fine- that's what I wear when I groom and also when I ride- though I do substitute riding boots ( usually paddock style) for the tennis shoes for riding.. Kmiami needs to realize that not everyone can afford to buy boots for the purpose of grooming or mucking stalls, and that if you are careful and pay attention to where your feet are and where the the horses' hooves are, then it's highly unlikely you'll be stepped on or hurt. I am a lifelong horse owner, and I worked professionally as a manager and instructor for over 20 years in the business, so I know what I am talking about. The last time I had a horse step on my foot was so long ago, I don't even remember when it happened, so I know from experience that being careful and aware of where you are will pay off. Wearing rubber work boots is perfectly okay as well- in fact, if you have to deal with a lot of mud or wet conditions, you may find you need or prefer to wear something waterproof.

    A couple of other hints for you- one, the other writers are correct when they say not to wear anything that you can't get dirty. This means you need to give comfort and safety a much higher priority than fashion when it comes to dressing for this kind of work. The horses aren't going to care what kind of clothing you have on- and when you are sitting in the tack room cleaning saddles, they won't even notice you. So I would wear clothing that is comfortable and workmanlike first- and please, no open toed shoes, bare feet, or sandals. You CAN wear shorts in very hot, humid weather, especially if all you are doing is cleaning tack- but be careful doing this around the horses. Mucking stalls in shorts is okay, though you will want to wear long socks (knee socks work well) and your muck boots for this. Lastly, please do not wear anything which you would regret losing if it gets torn or damaged- and clothing worn around horses often does, for a variety of reasons. Wear a hat and use some sunscreen if you are going to be working outside- and plan on covering up during the mid part of the day, when the sun is the strongest. When it rains, you can wear a rainsuit- but make sure that it fits fairly closely and doesn't rattle around- or you will have major problems with horses spooking on you.

    Good luck with your new job, and I hope this helps you out.

  2. when you clean tack and groom horses you are usually in the barn so you dont need a hat.  a hat usually gets in the way and horses like to play with them.  you need to wear a loose tshirt, blue jeans, and old tennis shoes.  it might be hot but you will be glad you wore jeans believe me!  good luck!

  3. anything u can get dirty or torn

  4. because you are on a yard and if is very hot you could stard to sweat so i would just wear jogging bottens and an pear of wellies and an old teeshirt and wilst yuu are cleaning the tack i would try and stay in the shade and drink alot to keep you hydrated and to stop you from sweating and then getting to itchy.

  5. You'll be glad you have jeans on if called to move hay. Jeans and comfortable shoes. Most grooming jobs have a lot of walking.

  6. To work in the sun and around things that can cut/scratch you, or be like so filthy (manure and its dust) as to give you an infection, or prone to bug bites I always work covered up - jeans, sometimes long sleeves, tennis shoes at a minimum. Show up in work jeans and tshirt, and have a change of lighter clothes in the car. BRING A HAT TOO.

  7. Since you're not riding, you don't have to wear pants.  You might get hair stuck to your legs, but it's better than being really hot.

    As for the tennis shoes, you probably ought to wear something a little sturdier since you'll be standing next to the horses when grooming them.  The boots are important so that when you get stepped on, it doesn't hurt too much.  Wearing tennis shoes doesn't provide you with much protection since it's only leather and cloth on the top.  But it's up to you.  I've worn tennis shoes to the barn before... I know you're not supposed to, but they're just more comfortable and I'm not an idiot who's going to stick my feet under the horses.  I was sorta assuming the risk of getting stepped on... I didn't really care.  So it's up to you.  You "shouldn't" wear tennis shoes, but it's not a big deal... wear what you want.

  8. usually, nowadays people dont wear jeans but you can if you want to. i know in the movies an all there are old western people wearing jeans and stuff but really you shouldnt. they get uncomfortable and its better to wear pants, but you could wear jeans if you want to. a tshirt is fine and do bring a hat, it helps alot. yes, its okay to wear tennis shoes, its okay to wear any shoes exept shoes like high heels (not appropriate for anything near horses) or something expensive like shoes you do waltz in (i have no idea what they're called...)

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