
What to wrap around outside a/c unit to keep from clogging with cottonwood seeds?

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The cottonwood seeds are clogging the outside unit. What could I wrap around it to filter it?




  1. You  need to hose it off regularly, BUT do not make the mistake of hosing it from the outside, you are only pushing the debris into the unit. Run the hose from the inside

    out.....Turn off A/C unit-Start at the top of the unit-it will cause the fan blade to rotate, but it is okay. Just keep doing it a while....

  2. Do not cover it with anything, it must have air flow to function. Just keep hosing them off as needed.

  3. Screen wire' that way it can get the air it needs........If you have a blower, use it to blow the seeds away.

  4. These work fairly well...But you must stay on top of cleaning them off or your condenser unit will overheat eventually.

  5. I wouldn't wrap anything around it. It needs unobstructed air flow. If the cottonwood is causing a problem, I would clean the unit with a hose everyday,,if needed.

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